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Monday, August 28, 2017

32 Health Benefits Of Ginger

Originally published Dec 2012
What a powerful herb! Ginger has been around for centuries. It is one of those herbs that everyone should have in their kitchen.  It is so potent and good for many different ailments and overall maintenance of optimal health. I love ginger. I always have some on hand. I make tea with it and use it in my gravies.

Now of course you know I cannot have a herb in my kitchen and not know what it's good for. Well I can but what good would that do. I need to know the power of the natural things that God has placed on the earth for man to thrive.  So I've done the research and now I'm sharing with you. See how much I love you? I'm saving you the time and hassle of searching for the information yourself.  LOL. So, without any further ado, here are the health benefits of ginger:

  1. May be used to stimulate blood flow to the extremities in cases of blood circulation problems
  2. Promotes perspiration
  3. Induces gastric secretions
  4. Useful for slow or difficult digestion
  5. Helpful with flatulence
  6. Aids in relieving colic
  7. Alleviates sore throat when used as a gargle
  8. Helps to alleviate menstrual cramps
  9. Useful for colds and flu
  10. Anti-inflammatory
  11. Good remedy for arthritis
  12. Reduces and regulates blood cholesterol
  13. Lowers blood pressure
  14. Helps prevent the formation of blood clots
  15. Excellent for morning sickness
  16. May help prevent strokes
  17. Could be used to prevent hardening of the arteries
  18. Is a blood thinner
  19. Reduces fevers
  20. Relieves vomiting
  21. Soothes the stomach and spleen
  22. Good for internal body cleansing
  23. Alkalizes the system
  24. Use in respiratory and lung/chest clearing combinations
  25. Kidney stimulant to increase kidney filtration
  26. Reduces migraine headaches
  27. Combats nausea caused by motion sickness
  28. Stops griping and cramping especially in the abdominal and intestinal area
  29. Arrests excessive menstrual flow
  30. Increases the flow of urine
  31. Beneficial during pregnancy
  32. Contains lots of minerals
Need I say more. Me! I'm not giving up ginger in my kitchen "papah". It's too good of a herb.
If you liked this article and want to know when I post new articles and recipes, subscribe to the Fruitful Vine Newsletter

If you have a question on vegetarian eating that you would like me to answer then fill in this short form to submit your question. I'll answer in an Ask Jenn video on Wednesdays.

Visit and like the Fruitful Vine Facebook Page for even more articles and links on healthy living.
For God's Glory!

Little Herb Encyclopedia: The Handbook of Nature's Remedies for a Healthier Life
Amazing Power of Healing Plants

Friday, February 1, 2013

Being Vegetarian Is Not Boring or Is it? Stop Lying To Yourself

So you love meat and claim you can’t give it up because vegetarian food is boring. Oh please. Spare yourself(not me). It’s either you want to be healthier or you don’t. Just look at the benefits of eating vegetarian.  Look at them.

Benefits of Eating Vegetarian
  1. Aids in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, renal disease and dementia, as well as diverticular disease, gallstones and rheumatoid arthritis.
  2. Longer life span - On average, vegetarians live about 7 years longer than meat eaters and vegans live up to 15 years longer.
  3. High in antioxidants which protect our cells from damage by cancer causing free radicals, such as pollution and smoking.
  4. Helps reduce the signs and effects of aging.
  5. Better cholesterol levels
  6. Lower body weight
  7. Helps reduce the need for diabetes medications for those with type 2 diabetes
  8. Increased energy
  9. Reduced risk of food-borne illnesses
  10. Eases menopausal symptoms
  11. Bowel movements are regularized

Do you want to experience those benefits and more in your life or don’t you? It’s a simple matter really. My husband says it’s a MOM thing. MOM meaning Mind Over Matter. I've had to make myself do what I did not want to do so many times because the benefits far outweighed the results of not doing what I had to do. What’s stopping you?

Are family members ridiculing you? Are they more important than your health? I love my husband more than I can even express. He is the star of my life after Jesus but you know what?  If I put my husband above my health then I will not be able to enjoy our love because of sickness or death resulting from my bad eating choices. How will you be able to enjoy your children if you are always running to the doctor from some sickness or the other that could be prevented?  Come on. Forget about the ridicule, you’re doing it for them (though they may not appreciate it). Or better yet, do it for yourself. You’re the one who will feel good or NOT.

Spaghetti and Veg Balls in Tomato Sauce

Let’s talk about the boring now. If you've ever tasted good vegetarian cooking you will literally eat those words and kick yourself.  Have you tried some of the recipes on this site, like the Spaghetti and Veg Balls in Tomato Sauce you see up there? Have you visited any vegetarian restaurants or ordered vegetarian fare when you eat out? No? Well, just stay there and imagine the blandness – it will get you nowhere.  If you have done those things and still find that the food has no taste, then what are you going to do about it? You’re the cook! Add the spices to make it taste your kind of good.

Get a vegetarian cookbook. Amazon has tons of them. Here are some downloadable ones for quick access. All less than $3.00

If you prefer hardcover then check these out.

There are really no excuses other than food allergies or an inability to eat that should keep you from doing what you want to do for your own health and wellness. Nobody is forcing you to eat vegetarian. You are the one who wants to but says it’s boring. It’s a cop out. Don’t listen to the lies. Just do it!

The Bible says in Ephesians 5:14 - "Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church."  So that's what I did just now - spoke the truth in love.

Telling you like it is in love,
If you liked this article and want to know when I post new articles and recipes, subscribe to the Fruitful Vine Newsletter

If you have a question on vegetarian eating that you would like me to answer then fill in this short form to submit your question. I'll answer in an Ask Jenn video on Wednesdays.

Visit and like the Fruitful Vine Facebook Page for even more articles and links on healthy living.
For God's Glory!


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dairy-free Cornmeal Porridge (Cooked Cereal)

I used to love milk. Here in Dominica, evaporated milk is the milk of choice and I loved it. I would use almost half a can in just one cup of tea. When making cooked cereals like the one below I would definitely use more than a can.

Dairy-free cornmeal porridge

We gave up milk and cheese and it's by-products a few years ago. So now we enjoy our porridge without milk and sometimes with coconut milk. In my milk days I would never have thought I would be able to enjoy porridge without milk but it's been okay. I just make sure I use plenty of whatever spices I put in and I'm good to go.

So if you're lactose intolerant or you've chosen like me to stay away from cow's milk, here's a cooked cereal for you to enjoy. Just remember to add plenty of spices like I said.  In the picture below I added grated nutmeg and raisins to it.

Dairy-free cornmeal porridge with nutmeg and raisins

Dairy-free Cornmeal Porridge

2 cups cornmeal
8 cups water
1 cup sugar
2 cinnamon sticks
3 bay leaves
Almond essence/extract
Vanilla essence/extract

Boil half of the water with the cinnamon and bay leaves.  While they spices are steeping, add the remaining water to the cornmeal in a bowl. Stir well.  Add cornmeal to the boiling water, stirring constantly.  Keep stirring until cornmeal is cooked. If it gets too thick add some more hot water.  Add the sugar and the essences close to the end.  Serve and enjoy!

P.S. In this recipe I used cinnamon and bay leaves. Sometimes I use other spices like lemongrass and pwev geenay(don't know the english name for it).

From my kitchen to yours,
If you liked this recipe and want to know when I post new recipes, subscribe to the Fruitful Vine Newsletter

If you have a question on vegetarian eating that you would like me to answer then fill in this short form to submit your question. I'll answer in an Ask Jenn video on Wednesdays.

Visit and like the Fruitful Vine Facebook Page for even more recipes, articles and links on healthy living.
For God's Glory!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ground Provision Balls Recipe

Another versatile recipe. Eating ground provisions the same way every day does not appeal to me. My hubby came up with this ingenious way of preparing them. I just gotta love him! Woooosh!

Ground Provision Balls Recipe

2 tanias
1 dasheen
1 yam
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
Sea salt
Coconut oil/Olive oil

Peel the ground provisions(tania, dasheen, yam) and place in a pot of salted water to boil.  While provisions are cooking, grate onion and garlic and set aside. When provisions are done(soft when pricked with a fork), mash them with a fork or run them through the food processor.  Add grated onion, garlic and a bit of coconut or olive oil.  Mix thoroughly and taste. Add sea salt if necessary.  Form into balls. Serve and enjoy!

P.S. The provisions in this recipe can be changed to suit what you have in your kitchen. You can use green bananas or sweet potatoes as well.

From my kitchen to yours,
If you liked this article and want to know when I post new articles and recipes, subscribe to the Fruitful Vine Newsletter

If you have a question on vegetarian eating that you would like me to answer then fill in this short form to submit your question. I'll answer in an Ask Jenn video on Wednesdays.

Visit and like the Fruitful Vine Facebook Page for even more articles and links on healthy living.
For God's Glory!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Avocado Egg Bites Recilpe

1 comment:
This recipe is a derivative of the avocado pizza recipe I posted before.  It tastes good and is a different way of eating avocado. It can be used as an appetizer or just a snack. Delicioso. I've linked to the dough recipe which can be used for this.

Avocado Egg Bites

2 eggs
1 avocado
1/2 onion
Sea salt
1 clove garlic

Roll out dough and put to bake for about 10 minutes. While dough is baking, put eggs to boil.  Peel avocado and place in a bowl.  Grate onion and garlic and add to the bowl. Mash avocado with the onion and garlic and add sea salt.  When eggs are done, let cook slightly, then slice.  When dough is done, let cool slightly then paste with the avocado mixture. Cut into pieces the approximate size of your egg slices. Add the egg slices on top of the avocado mixture. Sprinkle with a bit of sea salt and voila! You're done.  Serve and enjoy!

P.S. A little cayenne pepper should kick this up quite a notch.

From my kitchen to yours,
If you liked this article and want to know when I post new articles and recipes, subscribe to the Fruitful Vine Newsletter

If you have a question on vegetarian eating that you would like me to answer then fill in this short form to submit your question. I'll answer in an Ask Jenn video on Wednesdays.

Visit and like the Fruitful Vine Facebook Page for even more articles and links on healthy living.
For God's Glory!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Green Banana and Pumpkin Mashup Recipe

Sometimes I have to cook what I have on hand if I'm unable to go to the store. Finances are low sometimes and other times going to the store is just not possible.  So I am learning to do like our grandmothers and great grandmothers did in times past - make do with what I have.  This has led to some interesting recipes, some of which you've already seen.

On one such occasion when I was unable to go to the store, I had pumpkin and I had green banana so I decided to do a mashup.  It came out tasting good surprisingly.  It made a great side dish.  Here is the recipe:

Green Banana and Pumpkin Mashup

Green Banana and Pumpkin Mashup

3 green bananas
1 cup diced pumpkin
1/2 onion
1 clove garlic
Dash of curry
Sea salt
Coconut oil/Olive oil

Peel green bananas(see how to peel green banana video here). Place pumpkin and green bananas in salted water to boil.  While they are cooking, chop onion and grate garlic.  Saute the onion and garlic in  a bit of oil until onion is translucent. Add a dash of curry, mix well and set aside. When green bananas and pumpkin are done cooking, mash with a fork or use a food processor.  Add the sauteed seasoning and mix well.  Taste and add more sea salt if necessary. Serve and enjoy!

P.S. Peeling the pumpkin is optional. I prefer to leave the green skin on when I cook pumpkin for the added nutrients.

From my kitchen to yours,
If you liked this recipe and want to know when I post new recipes, subscribe to the Fruitful Vine Newsletter

If you have a question on vegetarian eating that you would like me to answer then fill in this short form to submit your question. I'll answer in an Ask Jenn video on Wednesdays.

Visit and like the Fruitful Vine Facebook Page for even more recipes, articles and links on healthy living.
For God's Glory!

Monday, January 7, 2013

My Children's Cooking Today - Pictures

Just thought I'd share with you a couple of things my boys did in the kitchen today. My 10yr old made plantain juice and my 9yr old did vegetable curried rice as part of lunch.

Plantain Juice

Vegetable Curried Rice

My children are really doing well as they learn to handle the kitchen. My aim is to make sure they can fend for themselves and not be at the mercy of anyone to cook for them.  God forbid I die, the new wife my husband may have should have no problem with them when it comes to cooking.

If you liked this article and want to know when I post new articles and recipes, subscribe to the Fruitful Vine Newsletter

If you have a question on vegetarian eating that you would like me to answer then fill in this short form to submit your question. I'll answer in an Ask Jenn video on Wednesdays.

Visit and like the Fruitful Vine Facebook Page for even more articles and links on healthy living.
For God's Glory!

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