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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Emergency Preparedness - Do 1 Thing

In my quest for information on being better prepared for any time of emergency I discovered this awesome resource that emails you one item to work on every month to help you be prepared withing 1 year for emergencies. It's called Do 1 Thing.

According to their site the mission of do1thing is to move individuals, families, organizations, businesses, and communities to prepare for all hazards and become disaster resilient. I signed up immediately and was sent the link to the current month's assignment.

I will share with you the assignment as it comes each month but I think the best thing to do is to sign up for yourself because their are downloads from time to time. The website is

This month they are dealing with power. There is a link to the power fact sheet on the page for the month's assignment. Here is the challenge for the month:

THE GOAL: Electricity is something that we take for granted every day. How long could you stay in your home without electricity? Would you have heat, and a way to prepare food? By planning now you can be ready when the lights go out.

Do One Thing (choose one thing to do this month)

  • Have flashlights ready in an easily accessible place.
  • Check batteries in flashlights and radios.
  • Create a power outage checklist and review it with your family.
  • Learn how to safely use portable generators.

According to their suggestions we should choose to do one thing this month but looking at the list we should be able to do more than one this week as the month comes to a close.  The more prepared we are, the better off we will be.


  1. This sounds like a great site! There are so many things that we do take for granted. I was in St. Thomas, VI during hurricane season one year and this site would have done me well. I had to adjust to my atmosphere. There's nothing like being prepared for an emergency!

  2. Will need to check out this site!
    Thx for stopping by!

  3. My hubby and I were just talking about this. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I think the idea of just doing one thing is fantastic. It can really get overwhelming trying to do everything at once and I think oftentimes that's why things DON'T get done (at least for me).

  5. Jael Custom Designs,
    The experience you had serves as a lesson both for you and for those who know about it.

    Hi Chocolae Lover,
    You're welcome. I'm sure you'll find the site useful.

    Hi Cheesemakin Mama,
    Isn't it amazing how things happen sometimes to confirm that we are on the right track. You're welcome.

    Hi mub,
    You are so right and believe me you're not the only one. When we try to do too much at once we tend to 'crash and burn' as the FlyLady puts it.

    I am thoroughly enjoying everybody's inputs in this discussion. Thanks so much everyone.


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