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Saturday, April 26, 2008

The blahs

I've been feeling a bit blah for the past few days. Yesterday I found out why(my time of the month has arrived). I realized that I have not posted much because of that so here's an update. The visit with our friends from the cruise ship was great. We took them to our newly discovered "place to go" - Screw's Spa. This is my hubby with them:
We brought them to see our home, meet my hubby's parent's and granny, took them out to lunch,

took them to visit my in law's garden where they had sugar cane, coconut water, coconut, and enjoyed trekking through a part of the 5 plus acres that my father in law farms. They enjoyed it and so did we. It was great seeing folks from our church in St. Thomas.

My sister in law, Donna and her kids spent a couple of nights with us while her husband went to Trinidad to undergo some more missionary training for the program that he heads here in Dominica. Donna and my boys:

The kids playing a game of dominoes:

Random pics by my sister in law:
My hubby

My brother in law Ivon:

My hubby with our youngest Jeremiah:

We have had a blast but unfortunately they are leaving today. We all went down to my in laws last night and did fries and chicken for supper. It's been great.

Today I am feeling like I could just sleep for the whole day but I need to get lunch going for everyone. Our church is having a work day for the men as they work on the building and grounds and that's where my hubby is so I can't ask him to take over the lunch today. (Sigh) I am giving my sister in law a break because she needs it so here I go to cook lunch. I will edit this post later to add pictures. Bye for now.



  1. Hi Jenn.. Praying for you and for strength to make it through your lunch so you can go and rest.. *U*
    I'll check back with ya later to see the pics.

    Hugz Lorie

  2. Hi Jenn,

    Still praying. :) Get back to your old self, then let us know when your 'list' gets completed. :)

    Sounds like a really good time you've been having with your company. How fun! :)


  3. I hope you are feeling better soon.
    I look forward to the pictures. Debby

  4. I hope you are feeling better!

    You mentioning sugar cane made me think back to when we lived on Maui. I can still see the sugar cane fields burning...........

  5. I am feeling blah lately too. Although I'm not sure what my problem is. Hope you're feeling better.

    Our Happy Happenings
    Livin' With Me

  6. Hi Jenn,
    Hope you are feeling much better. It is great to have friends and family come visit. It sounds as if you had a wonderful time.
    Thanks for your encouraging words on my shopping experience. I am going to keep trying!
    Looking forward to seeing your pictures.

  7. Oh I'd love to wander through your father-in-law's farm!

  8. Jenn,

    Hope you are feeling better!

    Thanks for stopping by last week. I had company, too- my mom visited for the weekend.


  9. Lovely photos, Jenn :)
    Thank you for popping by my blog and for praying for my speedy recovery :) My thoughts and prayers are with you too. I pray that your brother is well. Looking forward to hearing more news.

    P.S. I just read that your sister-in-law's husband is in Trinidad for missionary training. My father and his family are from Trinidad. Have you ever been to San Fernando?


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