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Monday, April 14, 2008

Six Word Memoir

I've been tagged by Debby at Bee in Italy
to do a Six Word Memoir. Here are the rules:

1. Write your own six-word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

Here are six words/phrases that best depicts who I am:
1. Avid book reader/book lover
2. Understanding
3. Friendly
4. Loyal
5. Jesus-lover
6. Forgiving

I don't recall ever having to describe myself. This took some thinking because I don't usually talk about myself.

Here is a picture of me my hubby took when we made an exploration drive off the main road on the way home from town last month I think it was:

Hope you enjoyed getting to know me a bit better. Now let's see who I'm going to tag.
1. Val at Purple Valley
2. C.K at Curiosity Killer
3. Ann at His Grace To Me
4. Eleanor at A Cup Of Cold Water
5. Joyful Sister at Encouragement From My Heart



  1. Love the picture!
    I am shy too and it took forever for me to figure out words to describe myself :)

    **come for dinner anytime!!

  2. Oh I like this meme! Thanks! You're so gracious and lovely, I'm so glad we're keeping in touch!

    xx CK

  3. Thank you for taking part. It was fun to think, but you know what. I am still thinking. The single words were something new to me, so they are still rolling around me brain.

  4. Lovely blog! You made my day.

  5. Lovely blog! You made my day.

  6. HI Jen... I would love to do a meme.. Now I have to think of 6 things that describe me, hmmmm okay I'll get to working on this. never did one lol okay what exactly is a meme?? I have a feeling after you tell me I'm just gonna have a Duh moment!!! *U*. Stop laughing !!!

    Hugz Lorie

  7. Wonderful post and picture Jen! :) Blessings!


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