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Wednesday, January 7, 2009


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As I continue not eating till I'm full and drinking more and more water, I find that I feel slightly lightheaded as the toxins are being cleared from my system. This new way of eating with less salt and less sugar has indeed caused my tastebuds to kick into high gear. I find that they've gotten used to the decreased sugar and salt real quickly and the taste of everything is more pronounced. It's not as bad as I thought. Despite the slight lightheaded feeling it's been good to know that I'm in control of what goes in and out of my body and how much of it.

Right now I'm about to go for a nap but just wanted to check in. Hubby and 5yr old son went to town some hours ago. 6yr old son has been resting and I've been on the computer twittering, checking email etc. I updated the site: and I cleared the visual clutter on

I've not been able to do photos with my blog posts lately. I explained it on the ministry update blog. Go HERE to read the explanation and while you're there tell me what you think about the site in terms of whether it needs more color or more whatever or less whatever or if it's okay as is.

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