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Friday, April 9, 2010

It's Party Time! With A Giveaway [CLOSED]


It's that time again! Time to PARTY!!!

If you're looking to make some new friends, read some new blogs, have your blog noticed, win some great prizes or just want to party then the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by is for you. It's gonna be a blast! And the great thing is you don't even need to have a blog to participate. Twitterers, Facebookers, anyone can participate. There are cool prizes to be won and lots of people to meet.

To all of you visiting from the Ultimate Blog Party, WELCOME! to my corner of the blogosphere. I am first and foremost a Christian(a believer, follower and disciple of Jesus Christ), secondly I am a wife and then a mother. I became a Christian at age 19. Married my husband in 2001 when I was 28. Moved to New Orleans to be with him while he finished seminary. Moved to St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands in 2003 to pastor a church there(my husband doing the pastoring of course(smile)). Moved back home to Dominica in October 2007. We have 2 boys, Judah 7yrs and Jeremiah 6yrs. We always get asked if they are twins. They have the same birthday, September 16 but different years. My husband likes to call it strategic planning(by God of course).

I love reading, blogging and minstering to ladies of all ages. I am vegetarian and very passionate about raw foods and natural health. I love taking pictures. I love nature and I love travelling. I've been to Antigua, Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, Trinidad, St. Croix, St. John, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, New Jersey, New York, Louisiana and Puerto Rico. I have lived in several different places - New Orleans, Orlando, New York, St. Thomas and of course my homeland Dominica.

I am an introvert by nature slowly being converted by my extrovert of a husband. I have a passion to see young ladies thrive and I teach a young adults Sunday School class at church whenever my husband and I are not off preaching where the Lord opens doors of opportunities. I am a pastor's wife and I homeschool our two boys as well. I am also one of the moderators of the Natural HS Mommas group on The Homeschool Lounge and operate the Fruitful Vine Page on Facebook. I enjoy tweeting and my twitter id is Fruitfulvine2.

There you have it. That's quite a bit about me. Feel free to look around and come back after the party to read up on past posts and in the spirit of this great blog party hosted by, I'm giving away a free copy of my newly published never before released e-book called INSANELY SIMPLE! Salads For Beginning The Raw Food Journey to anyone who comments on this party post and then signs up to receive the book on the INSANELY SIMPLE! Salads site by clicking the name of the site or the book image below.

This giveaway will go on until the party ends, after which the ebook will be on sale. Now comment on this post, go sign up for your free ebook and move on to meet more fabulous bloggers. So glad you stopped by.

Have a blessed day and Happy Partying!

The prizes I would love to receive so that I can upgrade the look of the ministry blog my husband and I have are as follows:
INTL #3 - Deluxe blog design from The Girl Creative
INTL #8 - Level 3 Blog Design Package from Mary Hess Designs
INTL #11 - Custom Blogger Design from Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates


  1. Wow. I find your prize impressive....excited to get and read your book. :-)

  2. Oh you know I was gonna visit! I thought about you the other day when I was using my powdered milk! Can't have a home without it!

  3. Hi, I think it is great how you are encouraging women! We love salads and I would enjoy your new ebook.

  4. I wanna look into going raw.

  5. Stopping by from the blog party!
    So glad I ran across your blog. Im starting a 21 Cleanse next week so the Insanely Simple Salads will be just in time!

  6. Hi Jennifer! I have my blog party post up and running :
    My two youngest were also born only about one year apart. Good luck with your giveaway and thanks for letting me be part of your book!

  7. I am so happy to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am very interested in healthy eating and just started my first garden. I am going to download your ebook. Thanks for the information!

  8. Hello!
    It's so great to see a familiar face. Stopping by for the party to say Hi!

  9. Thanks for stopping by!

    Have a great weekend! :)

  10. Great meeting you. I am also an introvert learning to be more extroverted. I try to be a vegetarian off and on (I know, I need to try a bit harder then!). Have a great time with the UBP.

  11. Hey just popped over from UBP 10, I'm a pastors wife as well :) I'm now following you, have a great day!

  12. Yum! In the summer we eat a lot of salads! I would love to try some new ones to add a little variety to our summer. :-)

    I plan to put up a party post tomorrow! This bloghoping is fun!

  13. Yay, I'm so excited about this book...I'm not all-raw, but I do try to incorporate a lot of raw foods into our diet, and I'm all about salads.:)

  14. I have stopped by from the party and very much enjoyed reading your post. What a wonderful adventure you have been on!

  15. Your travels sound like a lot of fun!

    Stop by FTSN for a slice of peanut butter pie when you get the chance.


  16. Hi Jennifer - thanks for stoppin' by my place. I admire your dedication to eating "healthily" - I' m also a vegetarian - but could sure do better with some of my food choices! Party on....

  17. Thanks so much for stopping by, I hope you are having a great UBP!

  18. thanks for stopping by my blog..glad I found yours! enjoy the party!

  19. Congrats on the new ebook! That's wonderful. Thanks for the prayers also. They are greatly appreciated.

  20. hey there. salads are always a welcome refreshment here in the jungle ;)
    amy in peru

  21. nice to meet you I am the blogger over at Annies Home

  22. Kelly from KellysLuckyYouDecember 19, 2012 at 8:32 AM

    Hi! I'm stopping by from UBP and a new follower (#99!) You have great info on your blog, I can't wait to read more.

    When you have a minute, stop by Kellys Lucky You and I hope you'll decide to follow me back-


  23. Dropping by from UBP -- love your blog!

  24. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just started following you and I'm your 100th follower! I look forward to taking a look around. :)

  25. what a lovely post - you sound so nice! Nice to meet you and thanks for the visit today for the UBP

  26. Wow, you've been to a lot of places! I'd love to travel once I have a little more free time.

  27. Hi Jenn, I am also a homeschool mom, love reading, blogging, and ministering to women as a follower of Jesus! I also like nutrition but am not a vegetarian. I am looking forward to getting to know you and learning your tips. Glad to meet you at this party. I will be following on bloglines!

  28. God certainly is amazing. I love the birthday story. My son's birthday is 9/16 also. Although he is all grown up! Always fun to visit new places. Thanks for the warm welcome.

  29. Thanks for visiting me at My Real Review!! It's nice to meet you too and check out your blog!

    Happy UBP week!

  30. Happy Ultimate Blog Party:-) Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments. I hope to see you back there soon:-)

  31. This UBP party is so much fun, isn't it? Your faithfulness is inspiring!

  32. Yay, I made it back! Thanks again for the giveaway and sharing about yourself and your family.

  33. Love everything you shared about yourself! WOW. It is so CRAZY that you had your boys on the same date. How that happened is truly a God thing! LOL Those pics of them at the top is amazing. My step daughter had her son on her birthday! *grin* Your sense of humor certainly comes through in your post! So glad to have "met" you and thankful you left your own linky on my site!! Thanks for stopping by Woven by Words

  34. Thanks for the compliment.  Enjoy the book.

  35. Hi Tamona,
    LOL! I'm glad you're here.

  36. Hi Hilda,
    That's great!  Go ahead and sign up for the newsletter, get your free ebook and join the fan page on Facebook.  Email me your questions and I'll definitely help you the best I can.

  37. Hi Lauralee,
    Nice to meet you too.  Congratulations on your garden. Enjoy the book. You're very welcome.

  38. Hi Deana,
    Great to meet you too.  Yep, you know it no one has to tell you.  LOL!  Thanks.

  39. HI Tanya,
    Great to meet another pastor's wife! You do the same and enjoy the party.

  40. Hi Erica,
    Glad you're enjoying the party.  It sure is fun!  Looking forward to your party post.  Enjoy the book.

  41. Hi Leah,
    Yay!  I'm not all raw either.  Our goal is to get to about 75%.  Enjoy the book.

  42. Hi Jo,
    Really?  So we have this in common also then.  Awesome! Thanks you so much for doing the foreword.

  43. Hi Jasmine,
    Welcome to the Fruitful Vine community.  I'm glad you joined.  Johanna is a wonderful person.  I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.  Good to know you're enjoying my blog.  You're welcome.  Have a blessed weekend.

  44. Hi Kristen,
    Thanks for stopping by.  Glad you enjoyed the post.  My life has definitely been quite an amazingly enjoyable adventure.

  45. Hi Maria,
    It is a lot of fun.  Thanks for stopping by during the party.

  46. Hi Carma,
    You're welcome.  It's great to see you.  Thanks for the compliment.  We all have changes we would like to make.  One babystep at a time is what I say.

  47. You're welcome.  I sure am.  It is really fun meeting tons of new people and reconnecting with others.

  48. Hi Pam,
    Thank you and you're welcome anytime.

  49. Hi,
    Thanks for coming over.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  50. thanks for coming by my blog this morning!! it is nice when I come across a fellow PW online!

    Shasher's Life

  51. Hi Shannon,
    You're welcome.  I feel the same way.

  52. Hi Kelly,
    Nice to meet you.  Thanks for stopping by and becoming follower #99. I'll be stopping by later today.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  53. You're welcome Nicole.  Enjoy the party week too.

  54. Hi MaryAnne,

    Glad you dropped by.  Thanks for the compliment.

  55. Hi Christine,
    You're welcome and thanks for following my blog.  YAY! for #100.  Have a blessed day.

  56. Hi Katie,
    Traveling is fun!  I love it even traveling through our island.  New scenery excites me.  It takes me away from the norm.

  57. Hi,
    Thank you for the compliment and you're welcome.

  58. Hi Connie,
    Your son b/day is the same date?  Wow! Isn't that something.  I'm glad you stopped by.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend and you're welcome for the warm welcome.  LOL!

  59. Hi Susie,
    You're welcome and thanks for the return visit.  Enjoy the party!

  60. Hi Stacey,
    Same here.  Thanks for stopping by during your party hops.

  61. Hello my friend,
    Great to see you.  This party is really fun.  Thanks for the compliment.

  62. Hi Amy,
    Nice to meet you.  Looks like we have a lot in common.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  63. YAY!  Glad you made it back.  I knew you would. :)  You're welcome. Enjoy the book.

  64. Hi Mimi,
    Thanks.  My boys having the same birthday one year apart is indeed truly a God thing.  You're welcome and thanks for the compliment.

  65. hello, here for the ubp. nice site

  66. Hi Diane,

    Thanks for stopping by during the UBP and thanks for the compliment.

  67. I would like to get this book. We started eating better at the beginning of 2010, and here it is April and we're right back where we were in 2009. We're not getting any younger, are bodies are gonna wear out and we really need to eat right. Thanks for the book. Spring/Summer is perfect for eating salads.

  68. Hi! It's nice to meet you. I am also a homeschooling, pastor's wife. Loved your intro! Now, I need to go check out the rest of your blog. Have a great day!

  69. Hi Michelle,
    Glad to be of help. You're very welcome.  Blessings as you make baby steps to eating healthier.

  70. Hi!
    Nice to meet you too - fellow pastor's wife. :) Have a wonderful day too.

  71. So nice to meet you! Happy party week! I am now a fan on facebook :) Stop by my blog and say hi too!

  72. Way to go girl.....had to laugh at Dolphs "strategic planning by God"...yah right God indeed!

    Congratulations on the book...I am signing up right now because I am moving towards "going raw" for the most part.

    God bless girlfriend


  73. Good morning! Just stopping by from the UBP. You have a lovely blog.

    Have a great week!

  74. Hi,
    Thanks for dropping by.  I'll see you later at your blog.

  75. Hi Mary,
    LOL! That gets people laughing all the time.  It's awesome that you've decided on a high raw eating plan.  Thanks and blessings to you too.

  76. Hi Carolyn,
    So glad you stopped by.  Thanks for the compliment.  Have a great week too.

  77. That's a pretty cool 'strategic planning' if you ask me! It's so nice to 'meet' you. I'm pretty introverted (believe it or not) generally speaking in real life...but I do have my extroverted moments. Blogging has helped me to be so much more outgoing though!

  78. Hi Jennifer, I have been studying about the raw food diet. Do you have any ideas about how a raw food diet affects a diabetic?

  79. Hi there! Just popping in from the UBP to be your newest Google Follower! Hooray! Hope you had a great weekend and have a great week! Swing by my blog when you get a chance!

    Bridgette Groschen
    The Groschen Goblins

  80. Hi Colette,Great to see you again!  I hope you win too!

  81. Hi Tree,So glad you came over.  You're welcome and enjoy the book. I'll check out the network later this week.

  82. Hi Susan,
    From what I've read, there are many diabetics who have had great results adopting a raw food diet.  I'll do some more research and post on it.

  83. Hi Bridgette,
    Glad you stopped by and became a follower.  I'll be adding all new followers to the followers blogroll when this party is over.  I'm having so much fun. I'll be by your blog later today.

  84. I'm a vegetarian too and signed-up to get the RAW ebook...thanks!! Hope you are having fun at the UBP!

    Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
    My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by, say hi, and grab the free tutu making lesson! :) and here's a contest I'm running which you might like: Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

  85. Hi Jenni,
    Awesome that you're a vegetarian.  Enjoy the book. Nice to meet you.

  86. Hi, I'm stopping by from UBP'10.

  87. Hi LaDonna,
    Glad you stopped by.  Party on!

  88. Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I love that your boys share a birthday like that. Ours aren't quite that close in age - they're 20 months apart. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the UBP, and a blessed week! :)

  89. Hi Christi,
    You're welcome and thanks for the return visit.  Have a blessed week too.

  90. Stopping by from the UBP! Nice pics. I'm kind of blog-hopping right now, but following you so I can be sure to come back again later! :-D

  91. Just dropping by from my blog party! I subscribe by rss google reader. If there's a giveaway count me in!

  92. Hi,
    Thanks for stopping by during your blog hopping and thanks for the follow.  Enjoy the party!

  93. Hi there!! It i very nice to meet you. I like very much the way you said you are a wife before a mom. That is something I have been thinking about a lot lately. Something I think I am struggling with a little. Happy partying! :)

  94. Hello Jennifer. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is comforting to know there is another person who is so passionate about their family and food. I can relate to it all, raw foods, taking care of my amazing husband, life and living. :) even in the food preparedness I have a huge pantry ready just in case. Great to meet you

  95. Thanks for stopping by my site on The UBP. I think your boys are too cute. Love their names as well.
    Great to meet someone who also has great faith! Enjoy the party!!

  96. Hi,
    Thanks for being a subscriber. I'm glad you dropped by.  Enjoy the party.

  97. Great to see you here! I saw you on the Lifeit site and I'm very greatful to see someone have a site that uplifts Christ. I look forward to communicating with you more.

    Blessing to you, your family and your ministy

  98. Stopping from the UBP! It was wonderful to read about your life and visit your site. What a beautiful blog!

  99. I am visiting from the UBP. I am having a great time. I am into healthy eating too but I can't say I have some as far as you have (my children's first food was avocado). It sounds like you have much wisdom to share. I will have to visit from time to time to hear what you have to say. I hope you have at the UBP at will take time to visit my online store: I am giving away prize #USC34. Blessings!

  100. Hey that is a lot about you.. you are one busy mama! Homeschool no less! Wow!

    I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see the places you've been! :)

  101. You have inspired me in so many ways and still continue to inspire me. What a blessing it is to have you in my life.
    I have decided to try a vegan lifestyle in the hopes of reversing my diabetes.
    (I had to post this as a guest, it wouldn't connect me to FB, but it's me, Leah....the one who asks you lots of

  102. Stopping by for your Blog Party. It was great to meet you. Have a great rest of your week.
    ~Cindi :)

  103. Sounds like we have a lot in common! :)
    I appreciate you taking the time to stop by my blog. I look forward to getting to know you better. I would love to have a copy of your eBook. I missed the link when it popped up when I first logged on. LOL!


  104. Wow! You are so interesting! Travel, homeschooling, ministry and raw food advocate!! I don't travel, but the other things are close to my heart. I will be visiting your blog more for sure! Thanks for the book offer, that is such a blessing! We have not gone raw, but we are trying hard to incorporate a LOT more raw into our meals at home! I can use some great ideas. Blessings and great post for UBP 2010!

  105. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am so glad you found me. I am a new follower!

  106. Hey there sister! Raw - wow! My sister in law does that. I can't hack that but we are into healthy eating over here.

  107. Stopping by your blog party. I haven't been here in a very long time. Your blog looks great!

  108. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog for the party! I really enjoyed coming to yours and finding out about all the traveling and moving around you've done. I bet you've experienced so much and so many different cultures. I know absolutely nothing about raw foods but am trying to eat better to help manage my diabetes so I am looking forward to seeing your book. Just saw it appear in my box now.

  109. Hi,
    Nice to meet you too.  Thanks and happy partying!

  110. Hi Tehlia,
    You're welcome.  It's great to meet you too.

  111. You're welcome and thanks for the compliment.  Enjoy the party too!

  112. Hi Denise,
    Glad you're here.  Looking forward to your return visits.  Thank you very much for the blessings.

  113. Hi,
    Thanks for stopping by.  Glad you enjoyed your time here.  Thanks for the compliment.

  114. Hi Karen,
    Glad that you're having a great time.  This party is awesome.  I'm looking forward to your future visits.  Thanks for the compliments. I'll stop by your store a bit later to check it out.  Blessings.

  115. Hi Carissa,
    My life is full for sure.  Thanks for coming over.

  116. Hi Leah,
    I'm happy you came over.  It's great to see you on the blog.  Thank you so much for those encouraging words.  And never mind the amount of questions - I don't mind in the least. :)  Blessings on your new vegan lifestyle and reversing diabetes.

  117. Hi Tori,
    Glad you came over to return my visit.  We do have a bit in common. Looking forward to getting to know you more too. I'll be in touch about getting the ebook.

  118. Hi Cindi,
    Thanks for stopping by.  It was nice meeting you too.  You do the same - enjoy the rest of the week.

  119. Hi Tracey,
    Thanks for the compliment. I'm looking forward to your return visits. Like I said we are not completely raw but doing just like you incorporating more raw into our eating plan.  Our goal is 75-85% raw.  It's quite a journey but I find it enjoyable. I plan to be a blessing to others by sharing what I've learned and am still learning.

  120. Hi,
    You're welcome and thanks for following Our Fruitful Vine.  I hope to be a blessing to you.

  121. Hi Wendy,
    Healthy eating is good very good.  Kudos to you.  Thanks for coming over.

  122. Hi Darcel!
    OMGoodness it is so great to see you.  I'm guilty of not visiting your blog recently too.  We should do better for sure.  I'll stop by later.  Thanks for the compliment.

  123. Hi Katie,
    You're welcome and I'm glad you enjoyed your time here. Enjoy the book. I'm happy you got a copy.

  124. Wow you've been to so many places! That's awesome!

    Feel free to come by my blog and read my Ultimate Blog Party ’10 post!
    Become a reader & stay informed of upcoming giveaways!

  125. Hi Rita Ann,
    Glad you stopped by.  I'll be sure to check out your blog later today.  Happy partying!  I'm having loads of fun doing this.

  126. Hello, Jenn! Just returning the favor and dropping by from Hiccups In Time. Thank you for coming by!

    Hope you're enjoying the UBP! I know I am. So many people to meet. :-) It was nice to have met you!

  127. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I always love meeting new people, too! Food is very important to me, too, and I try to make at least most things from scratch. I look forward too looking around your blogs more.

  128. I would like to eat more raw too!!! LOVE your blog and your faithful heart! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! Happy UBP!!!

  129. LOVE your blog!!! I would like to eat MORE raw!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy UBP!

  130. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog party- it's nice to "meet" you!! What a great blog you have- I love all the motivation you share with others!! I am sure I will be stopping back by soon.

    Hope you enjoy the UBP!!

  131. Thanks so much for visiting my blog & commenting. Your site is very educational. Thanks for sharing.

  132. another UBPartier here. looking forward to reading your blog. good luck winning a prize!


  133. I found you on UBP!!! Need to get around this party before its over. I am now following you via Google Connect, come on over and follow me as well.

    We blog about safe living medium for you and your family/home, you will love it.

    Love, love your blog. Have a great day!

  134. Hi Jenn. I found you through UBP. It is nice to meet you. I am also a Christian homeschooling mom of two. I need to read more about your food storage/preparedness. My husband bought something related to that I while back. I'd love for you to stop by my blog.

  135. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've subscribed to yours, and can't wait to look around. I'm very interested in food storage and emergency preparedness, too, and will be looking for ideas here!

  136. Hi there. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope that you're having as much fun with the UBP as I am. I'm going to add you to me reader. Happy Blogging!


  137. Hi Dawna,
    You're welcome. I'm glad you came over.  Nice to meet you too.

  138. Hi DarcyLee,
    I'm glad you returned the visit.  That's awesome that you make most things from scratch - healthier for sure.  Looking forward to your comments as you look around.

  139. Hi Heather,
    Eating more raw is fabulous for increased energy and optimal health.  You're welcome and thanks for the compliment.

  140. You sure do love travelling! Thanks for "traveling" over to my blog. It's nice meeting you.

  141. Thanks for visiting my blog with UBP! You have a very nice blog.

  142. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Dropping in to say hi! :)

  143. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! And congratulations on your book!!

  144. It's a pleasure meeting you through #ubp10. sounds like you have led and are leading an interesting life. Bless you and have a wonderful week.

  145. Hi there! Stopping by via UBP. It's nice to meet you!
    Have a great day:)

  146. Hi! Just stopping in for the party! It is so nice to meet you. Please stop by my blog anytime. I love visiters!

  147. Thank you for stopping by my blog party. I'm also on the Homeschool Lounge ("LivingforGod" there). It's so nice to "meet" you. Thanks a bunch for the free e-book!

  148. I'm returning your blog visit from the UBP, thanks for stopping by my blog. It is great to see so many homeschool families on the blog hop. I'm going to download your book, it sounds useful.

  149. So glad to connect with other homeschooling moms and one that shares similar interests in nutrition! Looking forward to getting acquainted! :)

  150. INTL 15
    Hey Winner!
    You need these numbers to complete the prize form on the prize page -

  151. Hi Heather,
    Thank you for the compliment and you're welcome for the visit.  You can do it.  Eating more raw will only do you good.

  152. Hi Jenn,
    Nice to meet you too.  Thanks for the compliment and I'm looking forward to your return visits.

  153. Hi Ponn Sabra,
    You're welcome.  I hope you enjoyed the party.  Thank you for the compliment.  My hubby bakes our bread regularly.  We do have  bread machine but prefer the by hand results.

  154. Hi Laura
    Thanks for coming by.  I hope you win something too.

  155. Hi there,
    Thanks for stopping by during the UBP and following me via Google Connect.  I'll stop by your blog later today.  Thank you for the kind compliments.  Have a great day too.

  156. Hi Theresa,
    So glad you stopped by.  I'll be over to your blog later today.

  157. Hi
    Thanks so much for coming by during the UBP.  It is great to meet you.  Enjoy your day.

  158. Hi Annie,
    You're welcome.  Thanks for returning the visit and subscribing to mine.  Enjoy looking around.  I hope what you find is helpful.

  159. Hi Linda,
    I sure do!  You're welcome.  You are one of my wonderful finds.  Nice meeting you too.

  160. You're welcome Robin and thank you for the compliment.

  161. Hi Cara,
    You're very welcome and thanks for returning the visit.

  162. You're welcome Jen and thanks for the congratulatory wishes.

  163. Hi Lissa,
    Nice to meet you too.  My life is really an adventure.  At least I look at it that way :)  Blessings and have a wonderful week too.

  164. Hi Dawn,
    Thanks for stopping by during this fabulous UBP.  Have a great day too!

  165. Hi Susan,
    So glad you stopped by during the UBP. I'll drop in to visit your blog later today.

  166. Hi,
    You're welcome adn thanks for returning the visit.  I'll be looking out for you over at The Homeschool Lounge.  Nice to meet you.  You're welcome and I hope you enjoy the free book.

  167. Hi Anne,
    Thanks for returning the visit.  Enjoy the book.

  168. Thank you so much.  This is amazing!  I won a prize! Yay!!!!!!!

  169. Hi Sarah,
    You're welcome. The UBP was a blast. Thanks for adding me to your reader.

  170. Hi Shannon,
    You're welcome and thanks for the compliment.

  171. Thanks for finding me, this is my first #UBP10 and I'm happy to meet so many mommy and daddy bloggers such as yourself. You have a lovely outlook in life with clear priorities, like me--just of different faiths--such a blessed life!

    So, did I encourage you to get a bread machine? ;-)

  172. Jennifer, I've become a fan of yours because of Jo at Jo's Health Corner. She has mentioned you several times, so I wanted to pass by and get a better look. I'll be joining the Natural HS Mamas at THL. I hope to learn more about healthy living. I really love it. I already follow you on Twitter, but never visted your blog. I'm enjoying it. Thank you and God bless.

  173. Visiting with you again and from the UBP. I hope you'll win something!

    Enjoy the hopping party!

  174. Hey Jenn,
    Enjoy your blog (story), the salad recipes (cabbage in particular) look very appetizing . . . I plan to try some of the recipes you posted and I am interested in the simple salad recipe ebook.

    Ms B

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