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Friday, January 2, 2009

Our lunch today

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We have not officially started the plan yet but today I had a brief talk with the boys about what we were going to be doing and also changed a few things about our lunch meal.

We had steamed christophene slices(very thin slices) seasoned with thyme, chives, garlic and onions with no salt. We also had steamed plantain slices(also thin). Then regular food with less salt than usual - mashed potatoes and stewed chicken. With the stewed chicken instead of using two large chicken bouillon cubes, I used one. It wasn't too bad. For me it's going to be a gradual change so that I don't shock my system. (The reason for the thin slices was for speed in the cooking process)

I know you're probably wondering - are they ill and on a special diet? or are they trying to lose weight? It's none of that. I know this is a bit of mystery but I promise I will share exactly what we are doing later on.

I just realized I should have taken pictures. Oh well maybe next time I'll remember.


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