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Friday, January 2, 2009

I'm back

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Hi friends! I'm back. Oh how I missed you all. It took all of my resolve to keep off blogging and doing stuff on all the different ones. I rested some and did research at other times. Cleared email inboxes that were ridiculously filled. A lot has happened to me because I took this break and I am so thankful that I took it. I received a sexual awakening of sorts and that area of my marriage got such a boost as God spoke to me and led me to resources online to teach me and assist me in handling the change in me. This area was not malfunctioning but as we all know there is room for improvement in all areas of life and God really worked on this area over the break I took.

Now, my hubby and I are embarking on another journey in the area of our eating habits, our bodily processes and our spiritual lives. I am so excited about it. I can't wait to see and experience all that God has for us. I've already begun to see some changes physically and when we actually begin the journey as laid out in the plan I know it will be life changing. I will be attempting to chronicle some of the journey and I pray and hope that as I do many will be blessed who read about it and maybe even challenged to try it for themselves. I am not at liberty to disclose any details about that yet though. As soon as I receive the green light I will definitely share.

I love you all and pray that this year is filled with adventure as you step out in faith and follow the Lord wherever He leads you. Out of our comfort zone He may take us at times but the obedience is so worth it because we will never be the same but more enriched and blessed.


1 comment:

  1. WELCOME BACK and happy new year Jenn! I've missed you!!! :)

    Life sounds wonderful. :)

    I want to hear about your Christmas too. :)

    I'm so glad you are back.


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