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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Healthy Living - Rising Early

It is well documented that enough sleep is beneficial to our health. When our body has received its needed supply of sleep we feel energetic and can face our duties and tasks with vigor. The thing is that most people don't get enough sleep and they admire those who can get up at 4, 5, or 6am wishing they could do the same. Wishing that you can be an early riser is not going to help much and it is not going to happen overnight either.

I was using Stumbleupon last week for interesting links to read like I usually do when I came across a post called How to Become an Early Riser by Steve Pavlina. Now some of you who have been around for a while or have clicked on My Morning Routine under the Home Life section on the left sidebar of my blog may know that I am already an early riser but the title caught my interest so I stayed a few minutes and read through the entire thing. It was so helpful in the way he explained it that I learned a few things about how to make it more consistent and not as tiring as it sometimes is.

Here's an excerpt from Part 2 of the article:

Why get up early?

I’d say the main reason is that you’ll have a lot more time to do things that are more interesting than sleeping.

Again, I’ve gained about 10-15 hours per week doing this. That extra time is very noticeable. By 6:30am, I’ve already exercised, showered, had breakfast, and I’m at my desk ready to go to work. I can put in a lot of hours each day of productive work, and I’m usually done with work by 5:00 pm (and that includes personal “work” like email, paying bills, picking up my daughter from preschool, etc). This gives me 5-6 hours of discretionary time every evening for family, leisure activities, Toastmasters, reading, journaling, etc. And best of all, I still have energy during this time. Having time for everything that’s important to me makes me feel very balanced, relaxed, and optimistic.

I recommend that anyone who would like a little more time in their day without having to feel like something the cat dragged in should read the article. We all have so much that we would like to accomplish and it seems like there just isn't enough time. I'm sharing the links to both his articles in the hopes that it will help you to gain some more time and a healthier body. A rested body lends to the overall health of our bodies.

Here are the links to the article:
How To Become an Early Riser Part 1
How To Become an Early Riser Part 2

Happy reading! And here's a bonus for those who grasp things better by listening. It is a sermon entitled Get Up With The Sun by Pastor (Dr) Nathaniel Bronner. Pastor Bronner gives a biblical view on the issue of early rising. He goes into scientific facts and makes a good case for early rising. Listen to the audio and allow your life to be changed for the better.

Here are the links to the audio of Get Up With The Sun:
Get Up With The Sun - Windows Media Audio
Get Up With The Sun - MP3

Pray about what you read and what you hear and allow the Lord to give you a strategy to help you become an early riser and gain better health.

I would love to hear what your reactions are to the audio and the articles. Agree or disagree? Have a better method? Come back over here and let me know.


  1. Hi there! Stopping by from SITS to say hello! Thanks for stopping by to say hello to me this morning! Have a great day! Hugs, Trac~ :o)

  2. This is so true! I find I get so much more done when I rise early! Thanks for the encouraging post.

  3. Yup. My husband and I get up at 5am and we definitely accomplish a lot before we go to work.

  4. Blogging has helped me be an early riser (at least 5 days a week).


  5. Oooh, this is just the information I need!

    I'm terrible at getting up in the morning and always leave to the last possible minute! I've always wished I could get up earlier and exercise but I've never been able to do it.

    I will read this with interest.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!

    LBM xxxx

  6. Hi Trac,
    Good to see you.

    Hi Alexis,
    Rising early is such a good habit. You are welcome.

    Hi Yaya,
    That is a good testimony. Keep it up.

    A Fist Full of Dandelions,
    That is great. Hurray for blogging.

    La Belle Mere UK,
    You are welcome. I am happy that this information is of use to you. Feel free to drop me a line and let me know how you are doing as you practice what is said in the links I shared.

  7. I've spent the last 16 years getting up at 5 a.m. to make it to school by 7. It's true...I have a lot more hours in the day!

    A Leg Up After Knee Surgery

  8. Hi Melissa,
    That's great. I'm glad you have already made this a habit and are experiencing the benefits. Simply wonderful

  9. Very interesting! I'll definitely check this out. The times I've gotten up early, I have gotten a lot done. This is truly my be an early riser. I'll check it out and come back and let you know my thoughts.

    P.S. I have something for you on my blog. :)

  10. I'm back! I enjoyed the article by Steve, but I enjoyed the message by Rev. Bronner more. :) I was convicted in my Spirit. I'm starting tomorrow with my early rising. Thanks for posting this, it was very helpful and a tremendous blessing. :-)

  11. Hi Evelyn,
    Thanks for the award. I'll have it up soon.

    Conviction is good when it comes from the Holy Spirit - it is non-condemning. It moves us to action. You're welcome. I'm happy to be a blessing.

  12. This is oddly the second time I have come across this article I think it may be speaking to me :)

  13. Hi Mary-Jane,
    Well if you are being spoken to then it may be time to do something about it. I know that you will definitely experience the benefits when you begin to develop the habit.


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