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Friday, October 16, 2009

Tips for Wives - Listen Up

Great advice from Lori as usual. Let's pay attention as she shares an experience she had with her husband.

The other day my husband came up with a good idea and I realized that I let it go by without much comment. Later I realized that I missed the opportunity to tell him what a great idea it was (as well as missing out on a bit of fun). It would have been a nice way to validate him and let him know how much I value him and his ideas.

Let's learn from my mistakes. Take notice of the ideas that your husband voices. Take with is workable and have fun with it. Let him know how much you value him.

You validate people's lives by your attention. Author Unknown

Be generous! Lori <><

Copyright © 2001-2009 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved


  1. Validation is HUGE.

  2. Hi Yaya,
    It is isn't it? Without it we feel like we are not making a contribution in the grand scheme of things.

  3. Just wanted to say congrats on being the first at roll call on SITS today!!

    Happy Saturday Sharefest!!

  4. Jennifer, what a neat blog you have. How encouraging to see how you are using your life to bless others! I can see that God is getting the glory through your life.

    Stopping by from SITS! And many blessings on your ministry to women and your family!

    In Christ, Holly

  5. Hi Amanda,
    Thank you. I was so shocked when I saw that I was first.

    Hi Holly,
    Thank you. I'm glad you stopped by.


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