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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wedding Favors

Some time ago I was going through a box decluttering some stuff and came across some wedding favors from weddings of my friends. They instantly brought back the memories of that wonderful day and being a part of it. Wedding favors do that. 

Did you know that there are some people who go to weddings just for the wedding favors? Granted wedding favors are a wonderful memento of the special occasion but to make that your most compelling reason? I don't know. Although if I knew someone who gave out wedding favors like these...


...I might become one of 'them'. What's not to love? Just think about it. Wedding favors make the wedding ceremony extra special. I've been to quite a few weddings and the favors helped me remember that special day. Life is made up of memories right?

I don't have any daughters yet but there will come the day when I can help plan the wedding of my sons. No mother in law thoughts here please. It will totally be her special day but of course I'll be making suggestions.  Wedding favors can be simple or unique.  They are a heartfelt way to say thanks.  They come in all shapes, sizes, themes. I mean there are edible favors, themed favors, plantable favors, gold favors, spring favors, winter favors, porcelain favors, crystal favors, silver favors, coaster favors, personalized favors, cinderella favors - a girl can go crazy having to choose so yours truly will be there to help sort through and keep her from going crazy.

I think that's enough for now. Going back to the past and entering the future - I've travelled a life in just this post. Back to the present.


  1. Hi checking in.

    You're right I love wedding favors especially practical ones. I just helped my friend with her wedding and there is so much to choose from but picking them if almost as fun as getting them.


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