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Monday, November 2, 2009

Making Food Storage Not So Scary

I found this article while reading one of my favorite preparedness sites. I've only quoted some of it and my response to it is below. Read on...

When I was first introduced to the idea of storing food, I heard a lot mentioned about the benefits of storing a one year supply of food for difficult times. It was explained that one year food supplies are meant to help families get through personal emergencies such as unemployment, layoff, or a death in the family. I was also told that stored food supplies are especially helpful during national or local crises such as hurricanes, flooding, droughts, war, etc.

Although the one year food supply idea seemed both sensible and wise, I struggled with the "big purchase." I started feeling guilty every time I would turn on the television and watch the news in the evenings. Even at the movies, it seemed like every movie that came out had something to do with a volcano, tornado, or some other kind of natural disaster. It wasn't that people were trying to instill fear, as much as it was my own mind knowing that emergencies both large and small happen every day--and I started to wonder could my family be next? So why did I continue to put off something I felt was so important?

As I reflected upon the reasons for my deliberate procrastination, I found 5 reasons why purchasing a year supply seemed so scary to me. See if you've struggled with any of these fears:

1. I didn't want to store a bunch of food in my basement and end up throwing it all away in 10 years like my neighbor did down the street. That seemed like such a waste of money.

2. I wasn't sure how to make stuff out of wheat. I realized that certain year supplies were designed to be easier to use than others, but I just wasn't big on preparing foods from scratch.

3. I had no idea how to plan out what I want to eat for a year--Golly, I couldn't even do that for a week--let alone a whole year!

4. I didn't know whether my family would like everything offered in a year supply--especially my picky youngest daughter.

5. When I did have the money to invest in a year supply, something always came up. The car would break down, I would have to pay for my son's tuition, or I would receive an unexpected medical bill. I knew it was a big gamble not to have food stored, but I guess I still wasn't convinced that I needed a year's supply of food?

Taken from an article on

Jennifer's response:

Many people have these same reasons above for procrastinating when it comes to building up a supply of food. Maybe you aren’t convinced that you need to have a whole year’s supply of food on hand and that’s okay. How about 6 months or 3 months? How about 1 month. Whatever it is the answer should never be doing nothing. Building a supply of food is easy once you start doing it. You have the option of buying a few food items per pay check and slowly building up a good-sized supply of food storage.

I started out with simple foods; ones my family already ate on a regular basis such as rice, sugar, cornmeal, oats so I've not wasted any money. And, I can eat my food storage normally and not feel like I have to save it for some huge crisis. I believe that's why certain people allow their supplies to go to waste.

As I think about the five things mentioned above that scare people about storing food, I realize that an everyday type of food storage makes more sense, in my case, than buying a huge year supply of food all at once. And, it doesn't put a financial strain on my pocket book.

Best of all, I feel good knowing that I'm preparing my family and I don't experience episodes of guilt for not following the Lord’s leading and advice to prepare for difficult times. From January this year our finances had gone down and because of my food storage we had food for 6 months. I found a way to do it an I've begun to build again even with the lower finances and it feels good.

Praise God for peace of mind!


  1. Hi,
    Nice read, the 5 reasons are real but I think starting small is a great idea. It make it less overwhelming. Thanks

  2. Great post!
    I must say I different struggle with these fears! I always started small...blessings to you this wonderful day!


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