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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

20 Great Reasons You Homeschool

I came across this and just had to share. Unfortunately the graphics are coming out too small too read so this is the link to view the entire thing - 20 Great Reasons You Homeschool. Scroll down to the middle for the color version.

20 Great Reasons You Homeschool by Jim Erskine
1. The only "gang" your kids belong to is your family...
2. The teacher:pupil ratio is great...
3. You don't need security guards or metal detectors...
4. Your kids enjoy socializing with people of all ages...
5. You don't have to run to catch the school bus...
6. You can sleep in on rainy days...
7. School prayer is encouraged...
8. You don't have to buy "Back-to-School" clothes...
9. You don't have to develop a taste for cafeteria food...
10. You can celebrate your birthday with a school holiday...
11. Vacations can be called extended field trips...
12. You get to read more books than you ever realized existed...
13. The latest fads usually never make it to your house...
14. You don't have to worry about what your kids learned in school today...
15. You don't have to raise your hand to go to the bathroom...
16. You can wear pajamas to class and not be kicked out...
17. Chores may be called "home ec. projects"...
18. There's always time to bake cookies...
19. Learning becomes contagious...
20. Your family is right where they ought to be - Home!



  1. Gotta add this one: The teacher gets to kiss the principal right in front of her students! :^)

  2. This was great! I have been considering homeschooling the kids. I need to look into it more.
    But thanks for posting this ;)


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