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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Urgent prayer please!

I just got a call that my youngest brother is in the hospital. I was told that he was admitted last night. He is 16 or 17 yrs old. He is not saved. They are not telling me what is wrong. I am waiting for my hubby to come get me so while waiting I am taking this time to type this prayer request. Please pray. Pray for him, for me, for us. Just pray please. I need to go spend a few minutes alone with God right now so that I can calm down. I will let you all know as soon as I know what's going on. Thanks in advance. This morning there was this sense of urgency in my spirit as I went about doing my normal routine. I just went with the flow and did everything in a hurry. Now I know why. Pray sisters please. Bye

UPDATE: He is fine now. We are still going to the hospital. Thanks for your prayers
. Please continue to pray for him because he is going through a really difficult time apparently and hence the reason for him being hospitalized. The devil is out to snuff out as many young men's lives as he can. I really want my brother to be saved. I am just asking God what to say to him when I get there. I want to be able to help him through this dark period of his life.

UPDATE: We are back from the hospital. He is doing fine. My hubby and I spoke with him for quite a while, shared some scripture and gave him some assignments. Turned out he had given his life to Christ about a year ago so that's covered praise God. I just pray that we would be able to help him embrace his relationship with the Lord and grow through this time in his life. May the Lord have his way. Thanks again for your prayers.



  1. Dear Lord, draw near to Jenn's brother in his time of need. Please be with the doctors as they tend to his care. Thank you for sending your holy angels to minister to Jenn's family as they deal with this crisis. Thank you for being our Healer and Comforter. Amen


  2. Well praise God all is well Jenn. I am just now reading your post, after the fact. Thank your for your updates. You know, Mike Pearl's materials come to mind. His 'Am I Saved' CD, His 'Repentance...' CD's, etc. Would your brother be interested in listening to them? I'll be praying and believing that God WILL answer our prayers. :) How wonderful that he has you for a sister!

  3. I am praying for your brother and am very thankful you found out that he has been saved. That is wonderful news.

  4. oh, dear sister! glad to hear that things have improved. continue to lean into the Lord for strength.

  5. Jenn -- Good to hear that your brother is doing better. I will be praying that he will walk in repentance and draw close to the Lord.


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