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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Evolution of my morning routine

As I go through seasons in life and as I grow to maturity my schedules are constantly being tweaked to reflect my new growth. I’ve changed over the past months and as I find myself finally settled in after moving back home to Dominica my morning routine has evolved to look like this:

Rise and shine
Use toilet, swish & swipe toilet
Oral care, swipe face basin
Drink water
Get dressed
Swipe boys toilet
Take dirty clothes to laundry area, start washer
Spiritual disciplines

7:30am or thereabouts
Start breakfast prep
Cleanup kitchen
Check email

Compared to this a few months prior:

Rise & Shine
Use toilet, oral care
Alone time with God, Bible reading & journaling
Time on the computer

Home blessing(10 minutes in every room)
Personal care & get dressed
Short nap
Breakfast prep

Family devotions
Clean up chores
Longer nap

It is a less stressful routine and I feel more at peace as I relinquish everything to my Heavenly Father and let him work in me to will and to do all of His good pleasure. You can see the rest of my daily routine HERE or by clicking on My Daily Schedule under HOME LIFE in the left sidebar. What does your morning routine look like?

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