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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Me - A Teacher

Who would have 'thunk' it? I know that I speak to group, I share as the occasion arises at Ladies Meeting, and I homeschool my boys but teaching an actual class? I have been part of just about every department/ministry of church life except the male roles like deacon and pastor etc. I have been an assistant vice president of women's ministry, president of women's ministry, youth secretary, youth leader, crusade counselor, youth counselor, children's ministry worker, worship team member and more. Hard to imagine and I wonder why but I've never ever been a Sunday School teacher. The only experience that came close was when we lived in New Orleans and our friends Philip and Roxanne pastored a church in Reggio and one Sunday Roxanne enlisted my help.

Well, 'thunk' it or not, I am a now a Sunday School teacher. The young adults of our church have been on my heart and mind for some time now and when the opportunity came for the start of a new class for them in the Sunday School ministry I promptly volunteered. So along with my hubby I am teaching the young adults Sunday School class. We started this month and I made my debut on February 1st.

My hubby is scheduled to be the teacher next month and the next month its me and so on. We have also already picked out a young lady for grooming to be an alternate teacher especially for times when my hubby has a preaching engagement elsewhere. I am thoroughly enjoying myself because I am talking with my peers.

There is a slight twist to this story in that in our class we have a Spanish guy from the Dominican Republic and a few Haitians from Haiti. I've been doing my best to include them in the discussion and it's been interesting to say the least. Remember my hubby and I were taking Spanish classes for a while so I understand a little Spanish and can speak a little so I try to include the young man. And then since we also speak French Creole in Dominica(although a bit differently than the Haitians) I've been able to say a little something to them as well to make them feel a part of the class. Like I said I'm having fun. Please pray for me and the class that we will grow into all that God wants us to be.

1 comment:

  1. I know you will do a great job with the young adult group as you minister to them. What a blessing it is to serve.


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