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Monday, October 12, 2009

Food Storage - Eat What You Store, Store What You Eat

"Eat what you store, store what you eat"--it seems like such a simple concept, but when planning your food storage, it’s difficult to remember this, and even more difficult to apply it on a day-to-day basis.

Eat What You Store

Rotation is the key to a successful food storage program. There are several reasons you want to rotate your food storage:

1. To prevent food spoiling.
2. To minimize the deterioration of nutritive value and quality.
3. To make the most of your money.

If you buy food storage and do not intend to use it except during an emergency, you may not be using your money wisely. When you use your food storage it becomes an economical and practical way to grocery shop. Buying in bulk is less expensive than buying smaller quantities. For example, buying a 25 pound bag of sugar versus a 5 pound bag is cheaper per pound.

Store What You Eat

It is important to store the types of foods your family eats on a regular basis and the types of foods they enjoy.

If your family likes to eat treats regularly you will want to be sure to store things such as baking chocolate, pudding, cake or brownie mixes, jello, cookies etc.

On the other hand, if your family does not eat a lot of treats, you do not have to worry about storing as many of these things.

Article courtesy of


  1. great post! You'll want to check out todays post about a free $10 gc for putting up a button. It's to a foodstorage emergency prepardness store.

    Thanks for visiting me on my special sits day, I hope you had time to enter my giveaways that now end tomorrow! See you soon.
    the Buzz, Brandy

  2. Hi Brandy,
    Thanks. I'll come over to check it out. You're welcome. It's good to see you.

  3. What a beautiful blog! I bet it has been such a blessing for your husband's congregation. Thanks for the great tips, and for visiting my little corner of the internet!

  4. Hi Kitty,
    Thank you for the compliment and You're welcome. I appreciate your coming over.

  5. Hi Melissa,
    I enjoy sharing what I learn and discover.

  6. This is really helpful. I enjoy too and I learn

  7. Hi! I love this article... it's a constant juggle to keep food fresh and unspoiled - and eaten in time! It's so sad to have to throw things out... however inevitable. Also, thanks so much for visiting my blog :-) Have a great day!

    ~a fellow SITS girl

  8. Hi oes tsetnoc,
    Thank you. Good.

    Hi Stephanie,
    I'm glad you enjoyed the article and you're welcome.

  9. Hi, Jennifer. Glad to see you're promoting preparedness! FYI...

    Modern-day canned foods will store FAR longer than their expiry dates indicate. Two times in our history, canned foods have been found that were over 100 years old, and found to be still edible (though not pretty) and--in the case of the US find--still nutritious. See the complete information at

    Best regards,



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