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Monday, October 26, 2009

Food Storage - Storing Non-Food Items

Food storage is very important, but there are items to put in your storage you may not think of when planning. While you are planning the amount of cooking essentials you need for your food storage, you may want to think about non-food items that your family uses. During an emergency, items such as toilet paper may seem nearly as important to your family as food. The following is a list of items to consider:

Kitchen Accessories

  • Towels/rags (paper and cloth)
  • Plastic wrap/aluminum foil
  • Recloseable baggies
  • Dish soap, laundry detergent
  • Favorite spices (rotate annually)
  • Condiments such as ketchup, syrup, jelly, etc. (rotate annually)
  • Garbage bags

Bathroom and Hygiene

  • Toilet paper, tissue
  • Shampoo and lotions
  • Soap (soap bars last the longest)
  • Toothpaste, extra toothbrushes, dental floss
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Razors, shaving cream, extra blades
  • Medicines
  • First aid kit and individual first aid items


  • Water barrels, siphon pump, portable water containers
  • Activity games, cards, paperback books
  • Old clothes for outside labor
  • Water filter for replenishing your water supply
  • Candles, lantern, or other light source

There are also special considerations that members of your family may have. Don’t forget to plan for those needs as well. For example, if you have a baby, you may have already thought of extra formula in your food storage, but what about having diapers or diaper wipes and other miscellaneous items on hand. The best way to keep a sufficient supply of your baby needs is to always be ahead of your diaper, formula, and other baby needs purchasing. This process needs to account for size or other changes that may occur. Buy a few packages of diapers when they are on sale, or buy a case of formula and baby food instead of just a can at a time. You may also want to include crackers or other finger foods.

Consider special dietary needs that your family may have. Maybe you have a diabetic or a lactose intolerant member of your family. Store foods they can eat and will enjoy eating as well. Also, keep enough insulin and other medications on hand if needed.

Storage of just food can be very beneficial for you in a time of need, but there are little things to remember that may make life a little more convenient, especially in an emergency situation. Plus, items such as paper towels and garbage bags are easy to store because they don’t spoil and can be set aside and forgotten. There are many more things to consider than what is on this list. Take into consideration your area, climate, and who you are preparing for. Spend time now to plan wisely and to decide what items you will need to take care of your family.

Article courtesy of


  1. Cool! My family and I do the same. It's very helpful to store items besides just food. Thanks for sharing. And thank you for the congrats over at my blog. Have a wonderful week. :)

  2. Blessings to you this evening! What a great post with some great tips. Dropping by from SITS..I'm following you!

  3. great list! Many of those things i would not have even thought of so thanks for sharing. i just over from SITS :)

  4. very useful! thank you for sharing!
    thank you for stopping by lately and hope to see you soon.


  5. Hi Reviewer,
    It is very helpful to store things besides food. It is no fun to be stuck without toilet paper during an emergency!

    Hi LisaLisa,
    Thank you and thanks for becoming part of the Our Fruitful Vine community.

    Hi Widge,
    Thank you and you're very welcome. It's great to connect with another 'sitsta'.

    Hi lovelivesinthekitchen,
    You're welcome.

  6. Great idea! It is always a good idea to have a printed list of things I need in an emergency so I just printed your list Thanks.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  7. My Little Corner of Savings,
    I'm glad you found this list helpful enough to print it. You're most welcome.


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