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Monday, October 26, 2009

Tips for Wives - Invest In Your Marriage

Wonderful words of advice from Lori. Anything worth having is worth the effort.

I(Lori) am going to share another hubby tip. What can I say, he's good. This concept is so important. Our culture teaches us to let things slide and look for the easy route. A good marriage can take real work, but it's one of the best investments you'll every make.

I(Lori) had cause recently to go mucking about in my spam folder - all the stuff I never see because software dumps it for me. As I ran through it looking for one e-mail, I found an interesting common thread in much of what was there ... I saw get a degree without any studying, lose weight without exercise or diet, and even "make money in sleep". In other words, a lot of spam is offering to give us something for nothing - or at least something without doing any real work for it.

If this is a hallmark of our culture, then do we look for the same thing in our marriages? Do we want the easy fix, the no work solution, or maybe the "throw money at it to fix it" method? The reality is a good marriage takes work, and a great marriage takes a lot of work. And not just work, but ongoing work - without maintenance you lose ground, and growth always takes additional effort.

I can assure you that the rewards of the effort can be great. The joy of a good marriage is deep and profound. Don't let the something for nothing attitude that is so common today rob you of what you could have.

Thanks, Paul,
Lori <><
Copyright © 2001-2009 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved


  1. Amen to marriage taking work - lots of work - hard work - and overtime too!

  2. This is so true! It takes lots of work to make a good marriage.

  3. Hi Momsweb,
    Definitely overtime. It never stops.

    Hi Pam,
    Unfortunately many people give up too easily when things get just a little bit rough.


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