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Friday, November 13, 2009

Tips for Wives - Pray the Word

I've said it time and time again. We should be our husband's biggest prayer warrior. The Word of God is so powerful,so piercing, so true that using it in the way described by Lori will make a world of difference. Have you used scripture in the way described in today's tip. Share any experiences you've had with that method in the comments. I would love to know about them.

One way to pray for your husband is to pray using scripture as the heart idea. An example:

Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles. Proverbs 21:23 NKJV

"Lord, I ask you to help my husband to guard his words. Help him to hunger for wisdom and truth so that his words will be wise and carefully spoken. Let his words keep him safe and out of trouble."

Be generous! Lori <>< Copyright © 2001-2009 Lori J. Byerly All Rights Reserved


  1. YES!!! We better be praying down heaven for the spiritual leaders of our homes. And, if they are not in Christ, His Sovereign word assures us that through the power of prayer, obedience, and faithfulness, our God can deliver them into His saving hands. Our God is able! Let's believe in Him for huge miracles through our men, and with our men, and be on our knees WITH Jesus interceding for them!!!

  2. sharingthepagesoflifeDecember 19, 2012 at 8:43 AM

    Thanks for blogging about this! It is so important!

  3. I pray for my husband often. I can do it more and be more specific. I just found the Power of a praying wife and will purchase it soon. Someone introduced me to it lastnight.

  4. Thank you. You are sweet, but I already found it on Amazon and have it on my wishlist. I also reserved it so I can pick it up at my next library visit!

    I'm so excited!

    Mom Blogger

    Keep praying, but be thankful that God's answers are wiser than your prayers!
    William Culbertson


  5. Thank you. You are sweet, but I already found it on Amazon and have it on my wishlist. I also reserved it so I can pick it up at my next library visit!

    I'm so excited!


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