It's that time again! Time to PARTY!!!
If you're looking to make some new friends, read some new blogs, have your blog noticed, win some great prizes or just want to party then the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by is for you. It's gonna be a blast! And the great thing is you don't even need to have a blog to participate. Twitterers, Facebookers, anyone can participate. There are cool prizes to be won and lots of people to meet.
To all of you visiting from the Ultimate Blog Party, WELCOME! to my corner of the blogosphere. I am first and foremost a Christian(a believer, follower and disciple of Jesus Christ), secondly I am a wife and then a mother. I became a Christian at age 19. Married my husband in 2001 when I was 28. Moved to New Orleans to be with him while he finished seminary. Moved to St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands in 2003 to pastor a church there(my husband doing the pastoring of course(smile)). Moved back home to Dominica in October 2007. We have 2 boys, Judah 7yrs and Jeremiah 6yrs. We always get asked if they are twins. They have the same birthday, September 16 but different years. My husband likes to call it strategic planning(by God of course).
I love reading, blogging and minstering to ladies of all ages. I am vegetarian and very passionate about raw foods and natural health. I love taking pictures. I love nature and I love travelling. I've been to Antigua, Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, Trinidad, St. Croix, St. John, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, New Jersey, New York, Louisiana and Puerto Rico. I have lived in several different places - New Orleans, Orlando, New York, St. Thomas and of course my homeland Dominica.
I am an introvert by nature slowly being converted by my extrovert of a husband. I have a passion to see young ladies thrive and I teach a young adults Sunday School class at church whenever my husband and I are not off preaching where the Lord opens doors of opportunities. I am a pastor's wife and I homeschool our two boys as well. I am also one of the moderators of the Natural HS Mommas group on The Homeschool Lounge and operate the Fruitful Vine Page on Facebook. I enjoy tweeting and my twitter id is Fruitfulvine2.
There you have it. That's quite a bit about me. Feel free to look around and come back after the party to read up on past posts and in the spirit of this great blog party hosted by, I'm giving away a free copy of my newly published never before released e-book called INSANELY SIMPLE! Salads For Beginning The Raw Food Journey to anyone who comments on this party post and then signs up to receive the book on the INSANELY SIMPLE! Salads site by clicking the name of the site or the book image below.
This giveaway will go on until the party ends, after which the ebook will be on sale. Now comment on this post, go sign up for your free ebook and move on to meet more fabulous bloggers. So glad you stopped by.
Have a blessed day and Happy Partying!
The prizes I would love to receive so that I can upgrade the look of the ministry blog my husband and I have are as follows:
INTL #3 - Deluxe blog design from The Girl Creative
INTL #8 - Level 3 Blog Design Package from Mary Hess Designs
INTL #11 - Custom Blogger Design from Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates