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Thursday, November 1, 2012

11 Things About Jennifer C. Valerie - Video

I was tagged many, many, many, many (well, you get the picture) moons ago by Evelyn of Become A Healthier You.  I need to post 11 random things about me and answer 11 questions she posed.  I'm using this as the subject matter for my 2nd vlog in the vlogging challenge and paying a debt to Evelyn at the same time. Have fun getting to know me via voice and face. Enjoy!

If you are unable to view this video, go here to see it - 11 Things About Jennifer C. Valerie Video.

Here are my answers to Evelyn's 11 Questions:
  1. What is your favorite fruit? Grapes
  2. What is your favorite vegetable? Tomato(although I've read it's actually a fruit)
  3. What is one thing you like about blogging? Meeting new people
  4. What is your favorite social networking site (Twitter or Facebook)? Facebook
  5. Why is that social networking site your favorite? I meet more new people and get to interact with friends I've not seen in quite some time.
  6. How often do your exercise? 4 days a week
  7. What’s your favorite TV show? Don't have a TV but watch NCIS online
  8. What book have your read, that left a lasting impression on you? Created to Be His Help Meet
  9. What is your all time favorite song? Don't have one but my favorite type of music is Gospel Reggae
  10. Which animals do you prefer the most (cats or dogs)? Neither but if forced I'd choose cats
  11. What’s your favorite exercise? Walking
And there you have it not 11 but actually 22 things about me.  Later.


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