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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More pictures

Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of the boys doing their school work at the kitchen table. But here's one of lunch time. We had egg & potato salad, cole slaw, tossed salad, and stewed chicken with mushrooms. Mmmmm...delicious.

Be fruitful and multiply. Multiply what the Lord has put in your hands and glorify Him.
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I guess today is picture taking day. Here are the boys on the keyboard together.

They like playing it. Walking in the footsteps of their dad who plays a lot of different instruments.

One day a week as part of their homeschool curriculum they have time on the keyboard. Usually it is separately while I am working with the other on his academics but today it was raining and I am late in starting our homeschool day so they are enjoying it together. At this stage the time on the keyboard is just to let them get accustomed to having that time so that if/when the actual keyboard/piano lessons start it will already be part of their school day. If they then continue to show the interest we might increase to more than just one day of the week. Maybe, we'll see how the Lord leads there.

Be fruitful and multiply. Multiply what the Lord has put in your hands and glorify him.

The climbing son

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Just a few pictures of my climbing son. This is Judah who is 4yrs old. He loves to climb. His newest favorite thing to do is climb the doorways. Here he is "sitting" in the bathroom doorway.

And here he is in the office doorway. "Mama look no hands!" (Smile) Brings new meaning to those words.

The final one again in the office doorway.

Be fruitful and multiply. Multiply what the Lord has put in your hands and glorify Him.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sunday's message, it's a long post

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I'm not sure that I will get to post anything tomorrow so here is the message the Lord laid on my heart to share with the congregation tomorrow evening God willing.


Joshua 24:1-18 Emphasis on vs 15

Just like the children of Israel stood on the threshold of decision that day, so we too stand on the threshold of decision every day. With choices ranging from what to where to how much to invest it's not wonder so many people are feeling paralyzed and not wind up not doing anything with their lives. But no matter how overwhelming the volume of choices, choose we must because wherever we are in life today, it’s because of the choices we made in the past. And where we are going to be in 1yr, 2yrs, 5yrs, 10yrs should Jesus Christ tarry will be a result of the choices we make today, tomorrow, next week and next month.

We cannot tell what tomorrow may bring. We don’t know what is coming our way next week. We may not even be here next month or next year. But we have today and today is what really matters. Will you make the choices today that will give you a desired future tomorrow? Many of us look to the future which is okay to a certain extent. We say things like someday I want to do this, one day I want to have that or someday I want to be this. This is fine if we don’t stop there. The question is what are we doing today that will help us get to those someday desires.

Today matters saints of God. Today matters. God has placed eternity in our hearts as the scripture says in Ecclesiastes 3:11 but He has given us only today to manage. His word says in Matthew 6:34 – Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself. One of the ways that tomorrow will take care of itself is by making the right choices today. You cannot do anything tomorrow. You only have today.

Do you want to be a particular weight in one year or 6 months? Then today make the choice to limit your portions, eat on time, drink plenty of water, exercise, and eat ½ of your usual dessert. Just today. When tomorrow comes it will no longer be tomorrow it will be today and you do the same thing. Over a period of time you will see that someday of being this weight come into being.

Do you want to be debt free within the next 5yrs? Then today make the choice to sit down and look realistically at what you owe. Then choose to stop eating out at least ½ of the time and put that money aside. Don’t just leave it sitting there to be spent put it aside toward debt reduction. Save something out of your paycheck and every bit of money you receive. It may be as small as 1% which at times may amount to literally pennies but if you consistently do that you will be a lot further toward your dream of being debt free than if you did not save that 1%. If you get an unexpected financial gift make the choice to put ½ of the amount towards debt reduction. You never had it in the first place so it won’t take food out of your mouth. It’s extra. You have the other ½ to use anyway you choose. Take the coins from at the end of your day and put them in a jar. At the end of the month before it gets too overwhelming, count them and make that trip to the bank and put it in your account toward debt reduction. Every little bit helps. No you don’t need that extra pair of shoes right now or that bag or that dress or shirt or electronic gadget, book or what ever it is. Between us and God we all know the area or areas where we say “I know I should ease up on buying more of this you know”. Work with what you have and continue to pray and believe God. As he notices your steps of good stewardship towards your goal he will reward you with little surprises and big surprises along the way because of your faithfulness.

Do you wish you knew more of God’s word? What have you done today toward that desire? Did you make the choice to spend at least 15 minutes reading His word? Did you do more than your usual today? The secret is all in today.

Do we want better kids? Then choose to be a better parent. Choose to smile more at your kids today and yell less. Train in the areas you yell instead. It will mean taking time out of your day but that choice is worth the investment of time.

Do you want a better marriage? Smile more at your spouse today and frown less even when you disapprove. I think that he or she knows by now what you disapprove of so let it go and smile more. I know you will feel better. Trust me been there done that and have had to do it over and over until it became habitual. The choices still present themselves and more often than not I smile and let it go as I say a prayer to God in my heart about it.

Women of God, are we praying for opportunities to be the Titus 2 women that God calls us to be? Are we living like one as the scripture dictates and then training and helping others to be that way? Let’s go there now to look at a little of what that entails. Titus 2:3-5.

Did you submit to your husbands today, wives? Or were you excusing your behavior by saying he will understand. Are we as wives crucifying our flesh and being 1 Peter 3 women. Let’s read this for a minute. 1Peter 3:1-6 Many of us know what we should do but we all need a reminder now and then Amen?

Men who are husbands. Are you choosing to be 1 Peter 3 husbands as well? Look at vs. 7. Prayers not answered men of God? That may be one of the missing elements. Just some food for thought. Today did you make the choice to be considerate and understanding of your wives? Not yesterday or last week. Were you considerate today? Did you treat her with tenderness and respect today?

Think about it saints today is all we have. Listen to many whose spouses are dead. They will tell you the little disagreements seem petty now. So make the choice to live today with more smiles, more respect, more submission, more consideration and less of the negative frowns, disrespect etc.

Students do you want a higher grade, GPA, degree? What did you or can you do today to help you get there? Think about it. Put down on paper the steps to get you there. Then work your plan step by step with much prayer and sometimes fasting.

Ministry leaders and those aspiring to be ministry leaders. Do you want to be more effective in ministry? What did you do today towards that end? Did you choose to watch that TV show or did you take some time out to think, meditate and pray about the situations in your ministry area. Did you make the choice to read a ministry publication or listen to audio teaching to help you grow spiritually or did you choose to surf the internet for hours instead looking at and reading about stuff that does not help you to grow? Let’s turn to 2 Timothy 2:15. You are a workman in His vineyard are you not?

Not doing anything today will not hurt you today but think of the effect on your future. There are consequences both for action and for inaction. Are we obeying God today or putting it off till tomorrow. There is a saying we are familiar with - Delayed obedience is disobedience.

Say you have a child and you tell that child to put off the TV and go do their homework, chores whatever. You come back into the room 5 minutes later and found that child still watching TV would you say that the child was being disobedient or would you say he or she was just delaying their obedience. Most of us would say that the child was being disobedient. The same principle applies with our God.

Let’s read James 4:17. What does the word say?-When we know the good to do and we don’t do it we are sinning. Let us use wisdom saints and choose wisely how we live our days. God has given us today and today only. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Let us take today and run with it. We will reap the benefits tomorrow. As Philippians 4:13 says we can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives us strength.

May God richly bless you as you move forward to make today count.

I hope this was a blessing to you as you read it.
Be fruitful and multiply. Multiply what the Lord has put in your hand and glorify Him.

Today's happenings

I woke up this morning feeling very tired. I woke Dolph up so he could make breakfast as is his usual Saturday morning blessing to us. He has to meet with our Senior Pastor, Pastor Edward Magras at 8am at the church so they could go together to a pastors and ministers prayer breakfast at the Governor's residence in Catherineberg. Brushed teeth, put in a load of laundry. Hubby asked me to get his outfit ready for him which truth be told if I had been doing due diligence in my role as his wife I would have had that done already and he would not have had to ask me to do it.(Head hung in shame). Forgive me Lord. I am really sorry for not doing what I am supposed to do. Thank you for your forgiveness.

Hubby then asked me to put on a CD of one my favorite artists-Chevelle Franklin-he wanted to hear the song Kill My Flesh. Now this is where it gets interesting. The Lord used that song to move me to tears, the song was on replay and I just kept crying and worshipping God. I don't know what was happening but I was just convicted about my acting in the flesh. When I asked the Lord to forgive me just now in the post, that was when the conviction lifted and I felt a release. O Father God please help me to walk in the Spirit at all times and do the things that you have put before me.

As I type this I am eating a plate of cornmeal porridge, deliciously made by my darling husband. There are a few things that I want to accomplish today. Among them is the final touches on my sermon for Sunday evening at church. The Lord has graciously given me the opportunity again to speak to the congregation. The message he gave me was about choices. On a subsequent post maybe tomorrow I will post the message.

I also need to finish preparing materials for the boys homeschool. Clothes to fold. Tomorrow's lunch to start preparing. Clothes to hang out to dry. Saturdays are usually relaxed. I try to schedule my work in such a way that Saturdays & Sundays remain relatively free. The only reason I have to do laundry and fold clothes today is because I have a build up from not doing it as I should have about 2 weeks ago. I plan to rest alot today because when I am this tired I am cranky and my tolerance level is lower so things that would not normally irritate me would irritate me.

Bye for now
Have a fruitful day. Multiply what the Lord has put in your hand and glorify Him.

Friday, August 24, 2007


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My best friend in St. Thomas and her hubby. Also a pastor's wife.

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My graduation from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Wives Certificate Course.
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My friend Roxanne from New Orleans. We graduated together.
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My mom and baby Judah on her 2nd visit to New Orleans.
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My brother Josiah & his lovely wife Theona.
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My grandma on their left.
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Judah in the front yard outside of our former home in St. Thomas.
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Jeremiah in the front yard outside of our former home in St. Thomas.
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In our kitchen of the same home
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My hubby Dolph & the Senior Pastor of our home church in St. Thomas
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Dolph & the boys at the front of the church
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Me downstairs of our old apartment in New Orleans
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Today was a wonderful day.

I corresponded via email with one of my favorite bloggers, Amy over at

One of our friends from Jamaica spent most of the day at home with us. She is a delightful single young woman who loves the Lord. It was great to spend that time with her.

Dolph was at church for the morning and then he went to the school to continue helping with preparations for school start on Monday. On Monday it's back to the school for him. I will miss having him around but it was a good summer.
After he came from the school he went to St. John on the ferry to do his usual Friday afternoon thing and then came home. The boys and I got ready to go with him to the school for the opening meeting with parents. It was interesting sitting there listening to the principal and my husband speak about the school and the expectations and rules for the upcoming year as well as the changes. If we had to send the boys to school I would definitely send them to this school because they use the ACE program which is the same I use with the boys at home. It is an excellent program.

After the meeting we went for a drive. It was wonderful. We drove to Magens Bay and on the way we stopped, turned off the engine and just sat there listening to the sounds of the crickets and other insects. Lovely sounds of nature. Then we continued on to the beach and sat there listening to the waves. Pure bliss.

We are home now and I am writing this post, then I am going to check the kitchen and do any final cleaning up that needs to be done and then to bed.

Be fruitful and multiply. Multiply what the Lord has given you and glorify Him

My first

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Wow! This is exciting. My first day in the blogging world. This blog is my way of journaling the happenings in my life as I journey on the Lord's path for me. A record if you will, kind of like a diary. If you happen to visit me here just pray for me. I am not perfect and doing this blog sort of exposes me to the world. Vulnerability, transparency all of that.

I am Jennifer Valerie, 34 yrs old and married to a pastor. His name is Dolph Valerie. We have two boys, Judah 4yrs & Jeremiah 3 yrs. They were both born on September 16 just in different years. Talk about timing. My husband calls it strategic planning, LOL, meaning the Lord's strategic planning of course. We are open to as many children as the Lord desires to give us.

We homeschool our boys and plan to continue unless the Lord indicates otherwise. We also have a homebased, internet private franchising business. I focus on the skin care, cosmetics, gift giving and health side of our business as a means of adding to our family financial portfolio and being a Proverbs 31 wife to my husband. He is very proud of what I do because I make sure that he is included in the decisions regarding our business. At one point he was heavily involved but felt the Lord tugging him to focus more on ministry so in obedience he followed the Lord's leading. I enjoy my life as a stay at home wife and mom. I enjoy creating a haven for my husband to come home to.

I also feel the Lord leading me to start a distributorship with NO GREATER JOY MINISTRIES as another form of income for us. It is something that would incorporate both business and ministry. I have ministered to quite a few women using some of the books that they offer and believe that this could work twofold in providing income for our family as well as ministering to many families in the area that Satan is really bent on destroying - families.

My best friend after my husband, Clavia and I have been discussing the possiblity of doing this together also incorporating the skills we have learned through FLYLADY. We believe that many women are not being a crown to their husbands simply because they don't know how to go about doing it and we would like to help as many as the Lord will send our way.

Be fruitful and multiply. Multiply what the Lord has put in your hands and glorify Him.

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