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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Change of image - voting needed

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I am wanting to change my profile picture. The current profile picture is of me wearing a wig on one of the days when my natural hair was not at its best. I think a picture of me with my natural hair would give a better representation of who I am. Here are some pictures of me. Please let me know which one you think I should choose. Feel free to vote for more than one. Leave your thoughts in the comments.


This is going to be an interesting discovery as to which one has the most votes. Thanks for your help.



  1. That's a tough call- I like the top one because it represents where you live, and I like the others because they are close-up of that beautiful face.

  2. I think I like number 7 the best. The up close shot is of you is beautiful. But I also like number 1 because I love the full length shot.

  3. Jenn! It's been a while since I've popped by. Your blog looks so different! Sorry for being such a delinquent bloggy friend. A lot has been going on. I know that's no excuse though. Now that I'm on hospital bed rest until the baby is born, you should be hearing from me more often! :)

    As for the profile photos, that is really hard! They're all great photos! I love #1, but it's kind of far so you can't really see your beautiful face. I think my next fave is #6.

    You've got such a beautiful smile!

    Have a great weekend! TTYS!

  4. I read the comments and found it amazing they all said what I thought - it is a close and not easy choice. But I agree with Green is her new blog. I love the colours in #1, but the smile in the others is more visible. # 6 and 7 have lovely smiles. #5 is a lovely smile and pose. I am not very helpful... I choose (drum roll please) #5! They are all nice, but 5 is so elegant and attractive. I would like to meet that lady, I bet we could be friends. Of course, now that I look #2 looks like fun, oh this is too hard for me. I choose 5!

  5. Great pictures - you have such a beautiful smile, and I love your natural hair! For an avatar picture I'd choose 7 because it's clear and close-up.
    Have a great weekend!

  6. I say 7. :) shows your personality.

  7. I personally like #7 but the scenery is so pretty in #1. I would have to go with #7 though... You look lovely in all of them... =)

  8. Hey Sis..
    I like number 7 it is such a prety photo of you, and I love your smile on that one too. So it is for me!!

    Hugz Lorie

  9. They are all great! I narrowed it down to #1 and #4 as my top picks. I love the dress you're wearing in #1.

  10. I like #1 best for the colors (I want to borrow that dress!), but it's too far away to see your face well. Wouldn't work for a profile shot.

    I like #5 a lot -- you look very relaxed and of course beautiful!!! But I think I would vote for #7 because it is a great close-up and features your fantastic smile. It's a close call between #6 and #7.

    Well, that was probably less than helpful!!! ;^)

    Anyway -- I'm glad you're getting "around TUIT"! I can't wait to see what you're getting around to! :^)

  11. Hi Jen,

    Number 7 is my top pick. I think it is a nice, bright and clear picture of you. However, I would vote for number 5 if it had been more clear. You are so pretty Jen. :)

    I'm still painting. Of course, if I could work on it often, I would definitely be finished by now. I am about 1/3 of the way done with our bedroom. I am hoping to get to the kitchen and laundry room as well, but with the holidays soon on the horizon, I don't know that it will happen.

    Need your prayers dear Jen. Life is so hard sometimes. :)

    It will be fun to see which picture you end up using! :)

    I promise to return to blogging land on a more regular basis, but I'll probably never be as faithful of a blogger as you are. :)

    I miss you and appreciate you.

    Have a blessed Sunday! :)

  12. For sure number 7! You are radiant!

  13. Hi Jenn! This is Brooke again! Thanks for the comment. Actually, it was my mom that left the comment on your blog. She was accidentaly signed into mine, when she did that. Crazy mix-up eh? :)
    That's neat though that one of the songs was played at your wedding! Which one?


  14. Hi Jenn! This is Brooke again! Thanks for the comment. Actually, it was my mom that left the comment on your blog. She was accidentaly signed into mine, when she did that. Crazy mix-up eh? :)
    That's neat though that one of the songs was played at your wedding! Which one?


  15. I like #7 because we can see your bright smile the best in that picture!

  16. They are all beautiful pics---I love the look of the twists on #7, so that is my vote!


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