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Friday, February 20, 2009

Leaving today

We leave for camp today and won't be back till Tuesday evening. We've been busy packing, shopping, making phone calls etc. All the fun things that come with these types of events. I don't think I'll get much sleep on camp because it is so pregnant with excitement that sleep does not come readily. I guess I'll sleep when we get back.

Hubby and I are schedule to teach a session to the youth on purity in an impure world. Please remember us in your prayers and the campers as well. Thanks.

Now, remember I told you in my Good News Day post that I would be sharing pictures of past activities with you. Well, they've all been scheduled to post thanks to Blogger's scheduling feature. Enjoy them and leave a comment or two. I'd love to know who stopped by. Everyone have a great weekend!


  1. Thank you for your compliments and comment on my blog. I've never been to Domenica but have visited St. Thomas. Hope you have a wonderful trip.

  2. I will be praying for your time and the youth. My hubby and I did a class on purity. He spoke with the boys and I spoke with the girls.

    I just shared some of the verses and principles that I used as a teen to encourage myself to guard my heart and keep myself pure for Him and for my future husband. I also spoke about modesty, etc.

    I don't think kids really think about the fact that if they are kissing someone they are kissing someone's future husband/wife. Not only that but they are giving a small piece of themselves away. It is far better to guard your heart and body and to wait for the one God has for you.

    I loved the verses in Proverbs that say to "guard your heart" and "don't go near the door" (of temptation). O.k., I'm writing a book, sorry! God bless!


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