Camp starts next Friday. We are camping in a school on the north side of the island in the village of Savanne Paille about 1 1/2 hours away from St. Joseph over winding roads and mountains and along the sea shore. Most evangelical and Christian churches camp at this time every year. This is the time of year that is known as Carnival season in Dominica.
Wondering what Carnival season involves? It is basically a time of reveling in the streets, gyrating to songs that glorify the flesh, drinking, partying and the like; quite like Mardi Grasin New Orleans but more intense. Usually a few people who go jumping up in the bands end up in hospital due to stab wounds, gunshot, fighting wounds or vehicle accidents - alcohol does something to the brain. Many young girls have their first sexual experience at this time because the whole atmosphere lends itself to losing one's inhibitions and abandoning all sense of propriety with little or no thought of consequences. Consequently :) nine months later between the months of September and November many babies are born.
We as a church are praying, oh yes we are praying that many would recognize the futility of this flesh feast and surrender their lives before, during and after this season. As strong as the pull is for young people to indulge in these activities, the churches on the island plan camps for their youth and all interested.
My hubby and I have been asked by the Youth President of our church to conduct one of the breakout sessions to speak to the young people about moral purity. We are to divide them by gender with my hubby speaking to the guys and me to the girls and then we switch. I'm looking forward to camp. The theme of this year's camp is Step Up and Stand Out - Being an Ambassador.
I would like to enlist the help of all my blog friends who read this to please pray over the camp with us. Pray that the youth would be impacted, those who are unsaved to be saved and also for those young and old who have to make the choice to indulge in Carnival or not that they would choose rightly. Also pray for those who will choose to participate in Carnival that after they have satisfied their flesh thy would feel the emptiness and remember the gospel they have heard before through examples of Christians, gospel songs, gospel literature and the preached word and they would surrender their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ.
Thanks so much in advance for praying.