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Friday, August 21, 2009

Tips for Wives - A Memory Box

Before I got married I destroyed all pictures and mementos of past boyfriends. Lori's advice takes it a step further.

Buy a pretty box (or dress up an existing one). Use it to save cards and letters your husband gives you (I hope it goes without saying that you don't have any cards or letters from old boyfriends tucked away!).

... this is my beloved ... Song of Songs 5:16 NAS

Think generous! Lori <><

Copyright © 2001-2009 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved


  1. Welcome back from your bloggy break!

    My husband and I did this tip! He called me one day while we were dating and said "I threw out all the photos and memorabilia of my ex' that I've met you I don't feel I need them anymore". He said I did not have to do it too, but if I wanted to I could (of course I did)...I have tried in the past to do a "Love Book" where I write sweet things he does for me daily, but then I forget to keep up with it...I should start it again.

  2. I'm glad you're back from your bloggy break. I haven't had much time on the computer either.
    This is a great tip. I think I got rid of most of my mementos from my hubby, but I'll try to find some.
    Thanks for praying for me. I'm praying for you also.

  3. Penelope,
    Thanks for the welcome back. It helps to have something like this to remind us of good times in our marriages.

    Hi Pam,
    Thanks for the welcome back. You're welcome and thanks for the prayers.


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