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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Emergency Preparedness - A Challenge

Coming up later today on Fruitful Vine is a fantastic resource I've discovered to help with preparing for emergencies.  Come back later or subscribe to Fruitful Vine so you don't miss a thing.  Now onto today's challenge.

Emergency Preparedness is a vast subject that covers simple emergencies all the way to catastrophic world events like hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis etc. One thing is for sure, the better prepared we are to handle these situations the more at peace we will be. God has given many things to us to help us prepare ourselves while He takes care of what we cannot do for ourselves.

For example, the general rule is that we should cut the trees that are overhanging our homes so that hurricane force winds will not be able to blow them down on our homes. However we neglect that advice and the tree does fall on our home costing us thousands of dollars in damage then we can’t blame God for not protecting us. We ought to heed the advice given to us and prepare for any emergency.

Today I want to challenge you to look through the checklists in Emergency Preparedness - 10 Questions Part 1 and Emergency Preparedness - 10 Questions Part 2. Put time aside over the next 30 days to make the necessary adjustments to prepare yourself for greater peace of mind.

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