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Friday, October 30, 2009

Tips for Wives - Addicted to Touch

This tip from Lori is a great one especially if your husband's love language is physical touch.

My(Lori) husband and I tease each other saying that we've made each other "touch junkies." We really have developed the habit of touching frequently and it does get rather addictive. I encourage y'all to touch your husband often. Pat his arm as you walk by, hold hands when you watch TV, and generally look for opportunities to snuggle up.

... the blessing has five key elements. These five elements, blending together, can cause personal acceptance to blossom and grow in our homes today ... [one of these elements is] meaningful touch ... Gary Smalley and John Trent (from their book The Gift of the Blessing)

Be generous! Lori <><
Copyright © 2001-2009 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved


  1. Great advice as always, Jennifer. :)

  2. You know, my Mom and Dad were/are very loving. My Mom is always sitting in my Dad's lap, they are always touching and caressing. I grew up watching that and do the same thing. Mike and I literally can not walk past each other without hugging and kissing. And although the kids will say things like 'Oh come on! Put her down dad!!!' or 'they're kissing again' I can see the light in their eyes. They also need to know that their parents are madly in love and I hope we are setting an example of love for them.

  3. Thanks Cairo.

    Hi Sheri,
    My sons do the same thing especially the older one(7 yrs old). He keeps saying Mammy stop that. Daddy stop that. It gives me pleasure to know that I can show them how wonderful marriage is. I did not have that growing up because my parents had challenges in their marriage. Praise God for you and your husband's example to your children. It means that they are able to see in their hearts and minds what marriage is truly supposed to be and to settle for nothing less. Thank you so much for sharing your experience Sheri.


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