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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wifey Wednesday - Your Body

Do you like your body? Today on Wifey Wednesday Shelia makes some valid points on the direct or indirect correlation between how we view our bodies and our sex drives.

I do find that when I am tired and have not taken care of myself properly, my desires are low.  The moment I get enough rest and water I begin to feel a bit more amorous and open to my husband's advances.  For the most part I love my body.  I am working on the part I least enjoy and that is the flab in my stomach region. How about you?  Do you love your body? Are you doing something about the parts that you can control?

Today's Wifey Wednesday post is a short one because I want you to go over to Sheila's blog read what she wrote.  Her post covers parts of this body issues problem in a deep and profound way.   Also I want you to take part in her great unveiling party and win some prizes as well.  Click HERE to read what Sheila wrote.

Have fun!


  1. Whew! It took me a bit to find your comments. LOL I agree about reading Sheila's thoughts. She's so clear, mine today were a mess. My husband stood there and watched me erase them and retype them over and over again. Before I finally let it go and just typed out a train of thought.

  2. Yes, I love my body and it's about time since I'm in my 40s. I don't have much time left in this body! I'll jump over to read the other posts.

  3. wow, this is so true! Right now I am 8 months pregnant and I have a 9-month old baby to care for as well, and my 5 year old son is with his dad during the school year, so I don't see him very often. This all makes for a mix of fatigue, both physically and mentally! I find that I too, when well-rested, am more open to my hubby's advances.

  4. Hi Sheri,
    Your thoughts were fine to me.

    Hi Momsweb,
    Good for you. Enjoy reading the other posts.

    Hi Alexis,
    That is quite a load you have. I cannot begin to imagine. Take advantage of whatever snippets of time you can get to rest up. It does our marriages no good if we are not rested when we know that this is what makes us more open to our hubby's advances.

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  6. Hi Pablo,
    I'm not much into sports but if I do get to know one I'll contact you.

  7. I hade a baby almost 4 months ago and I absolutely do not like my body. (I also did not lose all the weight from my first child). I feel insecure and it def. puts a strain on things. Among other things, I'm working on it.

  8. Hi Tiffany,
    It's good to know that you're working on it. Along with working on it accept yourself as you are and be proud of the other things that are going right in your life. Be secure in your whole self and don't focus on what makes you feel insecure. ((HUGS))


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