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Thursday, November 12, 2009

I Am Blogs Her Color’s Color of Choice

Yay! I'm in the spotlight today. Every week day Blogs Her Color selects a member's blog to feature for the day and I'm it today! Woohoo!

What is Blogs Her Color? Well to borrow words from my preacher husband - "I'm glad you asked!" :)

Taken from their about page:
Blogs Her Color is a community for and about women of color who blog. Our goal is to support one another and provide insight to help all become better bloggers. Blogs Her Color is more than just a directory of women of color’s Blogs, here we encourage sharing, commenting, and the overall uplifting of the female blogging community.

Blogs Her Color offers:

* a directory listing of blogs for, by, or about women of color
* valuable tips and tricks from experts and veteran bloggers
* list of proven blogging vendors and resources
* opportunity for free advertising and exposure for our member blogs

Click here to see how you can become part of BHC.

Welcome all you ladies coming over via Blogs Her Color. It is a pleasure to have you here. Our Fruitful Vine is a blog by me, about me, for me, me, me, me! Just kidding. :) This is the space where I share my journey as a vegetarian, a homeschooling mother, and a wife. I also share food storage and preparedness tips, tips for wives, tips for healthy living, recipes and whatever else comes to mind. I've been blogging for a little over two years now and I've immensely enjoyed myself. Too much I think at times to the point where I had to go on a literal fast to break the blogging/twitter addiction. I enjoyed the twitter/blog fast results and became a changed person. I still blog and tweet alot but it is not an addiction anymore. Praise the Lord!

I live on the beautiful island of Dominica. Dominica is known as the Nature Isle. If you are a nature enthusiast of just want a different type of vacation come on over. If you send me an email or leave a comment or tweet to me that you're coming, my husband and I will do our best to take you to our favorite spot - Screw's Spa.

You won't be bored trust me. There are lots of things to do here as I shared in my series of posts 100+ things to do in Dominica.

I am a pastor's wife who thoroughly enjoy ministry with or without my husband(more with than without). We are currently assisting the Senior Pastor of my husband's home church, The Greater Cornerstone Baptist Church where he grew up as a child. I enjoy the satisfaction I feel when someone is blessed and helped in their lives. We are a great team that the Lord has put together and our lives are filled with miracles one after another. In addition to assisting at Greater Cornerstone we travel throughout the island and off island preaching and teaching as the Lord opens doors.  We've ministered in Pentecostal churches, Baptist churches and Gospel Mission churches.  It is a wonderful way to live.  I look for and find God's miracles everyday in our lives. He is faithful. My husband is a blessing to me in so many ways. He has been patient and loving when I've been my most ugly self being changed by the Lord. I thank God for the miracle of being married to this gem.

We homeschool our two boys Judah(7yrs) and Jeremiah(6yrs).  It is an interesting blend of personalities these two. They share the same birthday but are nothing alike. Judah is the more reserved and serious, studious one and Jeremiah is the artsy, fun-loving, like to make fun and tease people one. People who know us well say that Judah is like me and Jeremiah is like his dad. True enough. I enjoy them.

What? Haven't had enough yet?  Okay, here goes.
I enjoy cooking and since we've changed our eating habits, it's been an adventure that I love.  To see what we've been eating check out What We've Been Eating Part 1 and Part 2.  Of course our boys have their fun in the kitchen too.  They are My budding chefs.  If you're like me who likes to eat and see what other people are eating then click Food for more pics and recipes of foods in our home.  Keep in mind that some of them especially those from last year and early this year have meat since we only changed our eating habits around March this year.

Still want more? Click on the Journal category in the right sidebar towards the bottom and get to know more about me and what my past two years have looked like or just click on the word Journal above. I'm a work in progress so bear that in mind.

It's good to have you all here. While you're here I'd love to know who you are so don't forget to leave a comment and please do leave your blog address if you have one so that I can visit all your lovely blogs and return the comment love.

Because you like what you read while you were here and because you know you want to read more Subscribe to Our Fruitful Vine2 using your email or through Google Reader, become a part of Our Fruitful Vine community by clicking the follow button on the right AND because you want to know what I tweet about Follow me on Twitter. :) 

Have a blessed day everyone!


  1. Congrats. You are such a warm and loving blogger. I really enjoy reading your blog. Now, I am going to scoot on over to blogs her color and take a look also. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Congrats on being the featured blogger! :) You're a great blogger and deserve it! :)

  3. Thanks for such a warm welcome, and congrats on your Color of Choice day.

    Wow I read you blog pretty regularly and didn't know so much about you, glad I had this chance to learn more and look forward to continuing to follow.


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