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Thursday, November 12, 2009

One Red Paper Clip

What is one red paper clip worth? I am on the mailing list of Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Company. Normally, because of my busy schedule I file the newsletter away for later reading but today I signed on a bit early and decided to take the time to read the newsletter. It started off with the title - It is possible to become wealthy without money... Not that I'm a big fan of something for nothing but it definitely caught my attention so I continued to read. As I scrolled down I saw a link to a video about "how one creative young man turned an ordinary red paperclip into a house".

My reaction was like "WHAT!" By this time I'm intrigued. I'm thinking okay how is this even possible. With the vivid imagination my husband says I have, I started imagining all kinds of weird structures I had seen of people building houses with toilet paper and all kinds of weird stuff, thinking that this was what this video was about. I clicked on over to and let the video buffer for a few minutes while I continued dealing with emails.

Finally, I went back to the tab where the video was buffering and started to watch in amazement as this 20 something year old indeed turned a red paperclip into a house. It's nothing like what I imagined but it was an amazing story to watch. This is what I saw:

How did this video make you feel? What are your thoughts on this young man's story? Are you inspired, disgusted, amazed, in complete and utter disbelief? I would love to know your reactions. Share in the comments and if you have a blog please enter the blog address so that I can visit your blog and give some comment love back.


  1. Hi. I like your blog. If a small mustard seed can turn into a huge tree, why not a paperclip into a house.

    I think so!

  2. I've heard of this! So amazing! I wish I could do something like this!


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