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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Do Raw Food Eaters Get Enough Protein?

A Guest Post by Evelyn Parham of Become A Healthier You.

The Protein Question

I am often asked, "How do you get your protein.?" I am asked this question, because I am a raw food vegan. A raw food vegan, is a person who eats a 80-100% plant-based diet, and these foods are not cooked. Many people think that we must eat animal products to get an adequate amount of protein, but this is not true.

Our bodies need amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Fresh fruits, vegetables seeds and nuts are filled with protein and amino acids. I don't worry about protein, I just eat the plant based foods that are good sources of protein and call it a day.

If you are making dietary changes and are concerned about getting protein in your diet, there are many foods that you can eat that are good sources of protein.

Best Protein Foods

* Almonds
* Bee pollen (probably the best of all high-protein foods)
* Blue-green algae (from Klamath Lake)
* Brewer's Yeast (not good for those with candida or other fungal conditions in or outside the body)
* Chlorella
* Durian
* Earth's Essential Elements (E3 Live fresh algae)
* Goji berries (14% protein)
* Grass powders (dehydrated and powdered grasses)
* Green-leafy vegetables (such as parsley, spinach, kale, collards, green cabbage, arugula, etc.)
* Hemp seeds (contain the globular complete protein edestin)
* Hemp protein (30 grams of protein per tablespoon)
* Incan berries (16% protein)
* Maca (powdered root superfood from the Andes
* Mature grasses (chew on the blades before they have flowered)
* Olives
* Propolis (a resinous substance from saps collected by bees to build the hive)
* Pumpkin seeds
* Spirulina
* Sprouted grains
* Sprouted wild rice
* Sprouts of all types
* Vegetable powders (dehydrated and powdered green vegetables)

Source: Eating for Beauty by David Wolfe

As you can see, there a many ways you can get protein in your diet and there is no need to worry.

Have a great day! :)

Written by Evelyn Parham.

About Evelyn:
Evelyn writes about keeping it natural and eating the raw food vegan way at Become A Healthier You.

From Evelyn's profile:
I was inspired to change because of health reasons. I worked in public health for 10 years and have a M.S. in biology. I am an aspiring raw food vegan with a goal of becoming a Holistic Health Advisor. I enjoy educating and inspiring others to live a healthier lifestyle. I am a native Tennessean residing in Georgia with my husband and daughter.

1 comment:

  1. I love almonds, but the rest of the list, I'm so so about.


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