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Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Today is Independence Day in Dominica and I am at a ladies retreat which started on Monday evening. I will return home on Wednesday but wanted to share something from last year's Independence with you.

As part of our cultural celebrations last year there was a youth rally held in the capital city of Roseau. I missed the event because I was still dealing with high temperatures but my darling hubby and sister in law took some wonderful photos.

Among the event was a modeling competition. My sister in law Donna was part of the team who sewed the dress of the 2nd runner up. It is really beautiful. Here is a picture of it:

The dress alludes to one of our island's names - Waitukubuli.


  1. Oh Sure...make me jealous by sharing you're away at a retreat! Retreat for me too!

  2. beautiful dress! Thanks for stopping by my blog again, we are doing very well! Baby Jeremiah is 3 months old today *sniff*. Blessings to your family...I'm enjoying the food/raw food posts.

  3. What a beautiful dress...very feminine.


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