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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's Time To Break Up With Your Love... 5 Reasons Why

Break ups are hard and can sometimes be avoided with some work on the part of both parties.  But believe me when I tell you this is one break up that you must go through or you will really suffer for it.  It is time to break up with your love... of white flour. White flour is bad for you. White flour is devoid of any nutritive value. White flour has gone through numerous processes such as bleaching to refine it and make it last longer on the shelf. It is just not good for you.

Photo found at

Here are some startling facts I've found online that will help give you some understanding of the white flour scenario.

1.  First a one minute video explaining what happens to white flour inside our body:

Next, here are some articles that explain further:

2.  White flour is what's left after stripping virtually all the nutrients and fiber out of a whole grain of wheat. So what you're left with is a dead, lifeless powder that no longer goes rancid and can be used as a perfect binding agent to hold together sugar, sodium, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, additives, and other chemicals. White flour is basically "white gold" for food manufacturers. Products made with white flour are nutritionally useless, yet the American Dietetic Association recommends that we eat 8-11 servings of them everyday. The public has been programmed to believe that white flour products are "healthy" because they are low in fat, cholesterol and calories. So people eat things like pasta, bagels and pretzels and believe they are eating healthy because these foods are "fat-free." But what food manufacturers have failed to mention in their clever advertising is that white flour products have zero nutritional value and can lead to poor health. Read the rest HERE.

3.  White flour is created by removing the bran and germ from the wheat, which contains 76% of the products vitamins and minerals. In removing these parts, 97% of fiber is also lost. At this point, the product only holds less nutritional value, but it doesn't stop there. More...

4.  `During World War II Denmark stopped refining flour, an action which was not accompanied by any other marked changes in living habits. Later it was found that the death rate had dropped and that there had been a marked decline in cancer, heart disease, diabetes, kidney trouble, and high blood pressure.' (Mental And Elemental Nutrients, Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D. p.72). Tells a story doesn't it? The following statement highlights in a little more detail the very real dangers associated with the use of refined white flour. Read the rest of the article here.

5.  From the July 2005 Idaho Observer: Bleaching agent in flour linked to diabetes. As if we haven’t enough to worry about, the newest tainted food supply concern is that flour in commonly consumed baked goods is being bleached with an agent that produces a toxin known to kill pancreatic cells, leading to diabetes. Though it has not yet been determined how many flour mills are bleaching with chloride oxide, the use of chlorides to bleach flour is an industry standard. More here.

Read enough yet? Here are a couple other articles
- Is Your Bread Slowly Killing You?
- The Hidden Truth About Enriched White Flour

Don't only take my word and the word of all these articles I've quoted. Do your own research as well. It's time to break up with your love of white flour.

Next up, some substitutes to white flour that will make you happier and healthier after this week's breakup.



  1. Just made bread so it's a bad time for me to be reading this; I do like my bread. I do like your tips though, very interesting. Thank you also for your kind birthday wishes, I do so appreciate them. xx

  2. What you have here about Denmark is insane!!!! Definitely something to think about.

    Have a wonderful day! Stopping by from SITS

  3. I needed this post. Pretzels get me every time. After reading your post..I know they must go. Take care! :)

  4. lovelivesinthekitchenDecember 19, 2012 at 8:44 AM

    i agree with you... but it's not easy at all... almost all my recipes are based on this ingredient!
    great tips!

  5. Great post, really informational! I live as you and it's feels good! Although I use flour for certain things, I try to keep it minimal. God Bless your week!

  6. I loved the way you selected a wonderful title for this informational post.
    I do consume lots of whole wheat flour.
    Thanks for sharing it all.



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