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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tips for Wives - Goof Ups

None of us, not a single one of us, no one - is perfect and without blemish. We should extend kindness, consideration and mercy to our husbands when they mess up, royally fail, make a boo-boo. That's a lesson I've learned over the 8 years of our marriage. It is never a good thing to make our husbands feel bad when they mess up because we mess up sometimes as well. Truth be told we mess up a lot. When we remember our faults and are continually working on them we find that our husbands goof ups are more easily excused or understood. That kind of understanding lends to making the marriage work.

...offer your husband some patience and kindness when he messes up. Our guys have their struggles too. They are not perfect (as we are not). Pray for him, encourage him and let him know that you understand his struggles (or at least sympathize with them).

Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors. African Proverb

Be generous! Lori <>< Copyright © 2001-2009 Lori J. Byerly All Rights Reserved How do you handle your husband's goofs?


  1. Good morning! What a timely message, as this morning my husband woke up in a tizzy due to feeling overwhelmed with everything currently on his plate. I had to remind myself not to get frustrated with him, because I know he's doing the best he can today. We all have our rough days!

  2. Thanks for reminding me how important it is to give mercy to our honey's. They deserve it the most putting up with us..I mean me!
    Love your blog..visiting from SITs.


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