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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Tips for Wives - Attitude and Choice

Lori shares with us today some very wise words from a generous wife.

I received a lovely email from a generous wife that blessed my socks off (thanks, Tirzah! now where are those socks?). I'm passing a couple of bits on to y'all so that you can be blessed too.

I have found that the greatest benefit of your emails to me has been to put my head in the attitude of being generous. Even if I don't, or can't (because of not being married yet) complete the tip of the day, it reminds me to check my attitude .

That was my hope for the list. Not all tips will work every day, but a daily nudge to be generous is a good thing.

In observing several different marriages of couples I am close to, I have found attitude to be one of the biggest factors of the relationship. If the couple has a negative predisposition towards each other, everything they say or do follows that. I don't think the attitude of generosity is something we just feel. I think it is a choice.

I'm going to try not to be a nag here, but, really, life is about the choices we make. I'm all for doing things that come easily and naturally, but at the same time, some of the most important things that we need to do are not going to be easy or natural all the time. Being generous when you are tired or when your husband is not being kind can be very hard, but when you CHOOSE to act and speak rightly you can turn a bad situation around, you can bring healing to those around you and you will find blessing and healing for yourself as well. God honors those who honor Him and honor His ways.

He who is generous will be blessed ... Proverbs 22:9a NAS

Be generous! Lori <><
Copyright © 2001-2009 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved


  1. I just love these daily tips. And I have the choice to say or act a certain way. Choose to be loving and you'll be amazed at the gifts you receive in return.

  2. A lovely reminder :) It's important for each of us to remember that we are actively making choices about what we do and how we say things every second.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog :) Have a great weekend!

  3. That is a good word! Thank you for the encouraging blog, and for your joy! Blessings to you!

  4. Great post. So true. Josh and I can often get snippy with each other and it's not pleasant.

  5. My small church group for young married couples just talked about attitude on Friday night. We're doing the "I Love You More" DVD study. I'd been thinking about my attitude anyway, I tend to let little things wreck my mood, and have been trying to be more optimistic. It's time to let things roll off my back. Stepping in dog poo doesn't ruin the whole day!

  6. I love these posts of yours. You're right, too often we take out the day's frustrations on those who deserve it least: our sweeties. :)

  7. I agree completely!It's important to choose a positive attitude. I would say that I am most always upbeat and it's one of the things my husband appreciates most about me. Even when things are a little emotional, I try to look on the bright side and be loving towards him. He always comes around and is thankful for the patience and love.


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