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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm not sure what was going on with me this morning. I was cranky and irritable. The boys kept doing things that they have been trained not to do already. Asking questions that they know the answer to. It was all designed by the devil to make me explode in anger but designed by God to help me to continue to grow in selfcontrol. It looks like I passed but I sure wish that I did not have to experience it. I am feeling much better now Praise God.

The boys went to spend the night with their aunt in Salisbury. The noise level I am not bothered with most days but it is good to have no noise this afternoon.

There is midweek service tonight. Tomorrow is laundry day.

I am getting some more rest these days. This is an effort to be more there for my husband. From day one of our marriage he has been telling me I need to rest more and finally after 7yrs I decided to throw my selfwill out the door and follow his advice. As a result my schedule is thrown off but I am finding that he is happier because I am not too tired at night to minister to him effectively(if you know what I mean). The change in me is also wonderful in that I am more relaxed in that area as well.

The Lord impressed upon me on Sunday to start a group for young ladies ages 18-30 at church. When I shared that thought with my husband and brother in law at lunch, my brother in law(he operates in the prophetic) said that he confirms what I am saying because he thought the same thing recently. I asked the Lord to confirm it to me and today he did. I checked my email and there was a lifecoaching email. Certain parts bore witness with my spirit and I then realized the Lord was giving the confirmation I asked for from a channel I never expected. Below is a copy of the email. My prayer is that the Lord will use it to show you part of what He wants you to do in His kingdom in 2008.

Here it is:
The number 8 in 2008 is the number of "new beginnings." In this year of "new beginnings," one way to jumpstart your journey toward the destiny God has for you is to find somebody, place, or thing in need of something you have to give. Begin 2008 by choosing to "give your way" into your own personal growth!

Stepping beyond your current "giving" boundaries and devoting yourself to the needs of others not only helps transform the lives of those we choose to give to — but these "connections of giving" will spark the beginning of our own transformation, healing, and growth for the new year!

To make new "connections of giving," and jumpstart God's destiny for you in 2008:

• Make a deliberate decision to devote your time, resources, or whatever else you feel you can give to some person, organization, or effort that is in need of what you have to give.

• Seek out those places in your community that so often need the partnership and connections of others. Nursing homes, hospitals, schools and churches have excellent volunteer opportunities that need the "time-giving" you have to offer!

• Partner with like-minded organizations that will use your "financial giving" to support worthy causes such as orphanages, feeding and sheltering programs, and environmental/'sustainable community' projects throughout our world!

Awesome encouragement! Thank you Lord. I pray that you would direct my steps as to how to go about it in your name I pray Amen.

Have a blessed day everyone!

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