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Saturday, March 22, 2008

An exciting Friday and Saturday

Two Fridays ago God gave us a wonderful, wonderful day. It started out in the morning with our whole family going into town. Here is the view along the coastal road we have to drive on our way into town.

When we got to town we went to the Botanical Gardens so I could do some calculating before we set off to do our errands. This is a picture of my boys(men-in-training), and hubby coming back to the vehicle to meet me. They look like a force to be reckoned with. Praise God for warriors in the His kingdom.

Then we drove to the village where I grew up - Loubiere. That's where the Christian radio station where my hubby ministers over the air in prayer on Friday mornings with Evangelist Peter R. Augustine is located. This next picture is on the way there going through a place called Newtown.

When we got to the radio station we got the tour of the station. This is one of the radio hosts - Medina James.

This next picture is of my hubby as he gets ready to start.

These are a couple of pictures of the grounds.

While my hubby was on air I went to visit a wonderful Christian lady who lives next to my former church. She had homeschooled her kids and I was excited to go visit with her and glean some wisdom. There are not many homeschooling families on the island so it was a blessing to know and talk to someone on the island who had been there and done that.

We ran a few errands and then went to the Hour With Jesus prayer and deliverance meeting where my hubby also ministers with the Evangelist on Fridays during the lunch hour. My hubby was preaching the word that week. We ran a few more errands and then drove home. It was a long day but good because I was able to spend it with hubby. Then the biggest of all surprises happened that evening. My best friend from St. Thomas and her husband and kids came home. While I was sleeping, I turned and saw a procession entering the bedroom. I closed my eyes and started to shout, covered my head with the comforter, uncovered my head, opened my eyes still shouting "I can't believe this, I am not dreaming, I can't believe this!" I ran, grabbed her and just about cried from pure joy. I grabbed all of them and hugged them so tight. God gave me the best surprise that evening. We laughed, we talked, we ate. They slept over. It was really great. When they woke up, we took them to my hubby's family then to my father in law's garden which is across the road from and next to the Layou river.

Then we went to the river to bathe. The water was glorious. We crossed the river and went to the warm water pool called Glo Cho(pronounced Glow Show). It was the best time. We then drove to town and had lunch at Brizee's Mart where the kids had fun on the playground,This is their daughterMcAvia(6yrs) and my 4yr old Jeremiah.

This is my son Judah(5yrs) who loves to climb.

This is their son, Mckim(8yrs)

Went to the newly constructed stadium at the Windsor Park,

fell asleep there. Then went to the Botanical Gardens. Here's a sample of the beautiful plants and flowers in the Botanical Gardens.

My husband joined a game of cricket

while my friend's hubby played with the kids

and my friend slept. We drove back to Brizee's Mart where they were to meet their family members and left to pick up my father in law in his garden. It was the best time ever. Did I say that already? Well it really was. I didn't think I would see them so soon after we left St. Thomas. Thank you Lord! the kids had fun with their friends. This family is so close to our hearts. The lady is my best friend. Her hubby and mine are also close friends and their kids are just 1 and 2yrs away from ours and they are friends also. So a great time was had by all.


  1. What a wonderful time and a beautiful surprise! Welcome back by the way, glad your computer challenges are over. :o)

  2. How fun! Thanks for that timely prayer today. God is the lifter of my head & today He used you. :o) That's what this body of Christ is all about, yes? Blessings to you & yours as we celebrate His sacrifice and resurrection!


  3. What a wonderful post! You have a beautiful family :)

    Thanks for leaving a comment on Green Is Her New Blog!

    P.S. Dominica!!! I have always wanted to visit! A girlfriend of mine lived and worked there for a year and always talks about her time there.


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