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Thursday, March 27, 2008

My day

Today was wonderful day. I went to my mother in law' s home to get two loads of laundry done. When I came home my husband extended the offer to go with him, his grandma, and his aunt who is visiting from England. They planned a trip to Screw's Sulphur Spa in Wotten Waven. It is a sulphur warm water spa. There are several pools of varying temperatures and depths. The water comes from the ground so it is all natural. The sulphur properties combined with the warm/hot water make a dynamic contribution to relieving muscle aches and pains. Sitting in there I almost fell asleep. It was that relaxing. Yet another blessing from the Lord. It was affordable too and that was a very good thing. The gentleman was kind enough to let my hubby's grandma and our boys go in free, so we only ended up paying for three adults. The water was so good we left there after 7pm. Here are a couple of pictures I took of the pools and then of course my husband decided that I should be in one of the pictures so he took one of me and the boys in there. This place is definitely one that makes it on our list of places to take visiting friends.
This is one of the lovely flowers found growing at the entrance to the spa.
This is a partial view of the pools from the top where the changing room is. There are about 5 or so pools.
Here is my hubby's aunt on the left and grandma on the right.
Hubby and boys.
Me and the boys.
Hubby and I plan on taking his parents there on another occasion. We plan to go there ourselves for some private time on one of our dates. The sign says 10am to 10pm but it is open all night sometimes. I'm looking forward to that particular date night(Ahem. clearing of the throat - smile).


1 comment:

  1. That looks like so much fun- and so relaxing too! Wish we had one near us- HA! We live in Wisconsin- that'd never happen! =P


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