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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Update on Anti-Procrastination Day

Well, life came along yesterday and interrupted my plans. I had to rush into town to a forgotten dental appointment. Thank God for Fly Lady's habit of getting properly dressed in the morning. The only thing was that the comb my hair part was done on the bus. I had small plaits in so I just redid them one at a time. The bus ride is about 1/2 hour and I was standing by the roadside waiting for the bus for at least 10 minutes. My hair did not look too bad when I got off the bus.
This means that the rest of my to do list will have to be spread out over the upcoming week. Here is the rest of the list that I am going to conquer next week hopefully if life does not get in the way. At least I am better off than when I started attacking this list and I will be better off even though I may not finish everything in my time frame. I will just keep plugging away at it.

1. Wash dishes(ongoing of course but this is piled up stuff I have to deal with).
2. Finances
3. Check progress on homeschool goals and chart out the next few months till September.
4. Supervise boys tidying their room
5. Wash and comb hair(I am definitely wearing a full hairpiece to church tomorrow.( I will post pics if I remember the camera)
6. Sweep house
7. Work on overhauling my Household Management Control Journal for 15 minutes. Check Keeping The Home for the series she is currently doing on building a Home Management Binder for help.
8. Call A.C.E to check on progress of homeschool materials ordered
9. Declutter office for 15 minutes.
10. Go through boys clothes in storage and remove current sizes. They have grown a couple of inches since we've been here.
11. Bake cinnamon rolls for hubby.

Wait a minute! That's it? I thought the list would have been longer. Thanks for the prayers Toby. I will post progress on the above list as the week goes. Have a great weekend everyone.



  1. I pray that you get all accomplished. I will be remapping our schedule also. Somethimg that I have been procrastinating on.(sigh)

  2. lol...not sure I could do this!!
    I get things done, but if I had a list staring at me, I might crumble under the pressure and hide in the Dove chocolate box!

  3. Keep your chin up. If you can make it to the dentist with that tight of a schedule, I know you can finish your list. I also went to the dentist on Friday. Not fun, but now my teeth are whiter and my smile shines!


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