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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Weekend of May 18

You know those giant pumpkins my father in law grows in his garden? Well they decided to go the market in town on Friday evening to see what they could sell there. I love the market. I don't get to go often because it is all the way in town but memories of going there with my mother are wonderful. All those fresh fruits and vegetables so attractively displayed. No refrigerated stuff just fresh, fresh, fresh. It was evening so the market was not in full swing but I enjoyed it anyway. I wished that I could come back in the morning when it is in full swing. I'll have to plan that for sometime in the future. They did pretty well in selling the pumpkins. Not boasting or biased but they were the best pumpkins there. They cut them up in pieces for $2,$3 & $4. It went like hot bread. I didn't get much pictures because it was night and I'm not used to using my camera in the dark but I did get a picture of my hubby cutting one of the pumpkins before we left home:

Wondering what those things are in his hand? Well the seeds inside the pumpkin had already started to sprout. Inside! Can you imagine! I was really surprised. Here's one of him cutting another pumpkin at the market:

My sister in law(my hubby's sister) and her hubby have decided to use the oven that they have and bake their own bread because the price of bread has increased on the island. Well we went down there and had a great time weekend before last weekend. The oven is one of those that was used before to bake bread to sell the the public. They have not used it in a while and it was fun being with them. It looks like this will be a regular occurence. The family bonding time is wonderful. They have two children who just love our boys and vice versa. Here are some pictures of that wonderful Saturday. We left there a little after midnight.
Clevin(Donna's hubby) & my hubby preparing the stuff and kneading dough:

Bread waiting to go in the oven:

Clevin putting the bread in:

Donna doing my hair. See how thick it is. Thick and long. When she gives me one of these plait ups I am the happiest woman alive because I don't have to handle that thick hair for at least two weeks.

The finished product:

On Sunday my hubby and I decided to go surprise one of my former pastors. He and I grew up together and then he became my pastor when he came back from Bible School. He now pastors in another village and that was our outing that Sunday. It was a pleasure seeing him and his wife again after almost 7yrs. This is us with them and their son at the church that Sunday morning:

This is him preaching:


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