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Tuesday, December 2, 2008


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I know it seems that I've abandoned you all except for the Generous Wife tips but I've been working at getting some sites up and running. There are a couple of others that are not on the sidebar at the top that I am working on as well. The ideas just keep coming so I'm going with the flow. Aside from these I've been developing power point presentations on parenting and other areas that my hubby and I have discussed. My love for the computer has been taken to a new level in that I am doing things in regards to my first love which is ministry. It is wonderful to be able to tie the two things I love the most together and add the areas of life I'm passionate about. Writing everything down is key for me.

I apologize if it seems that I've forgotten you all. I've not forgotten I'm just getting some things done around here. My love for the computer has been taken to a new level with the development of several ministry sites. Between researching the subject matter for those sites, homeschooling, ministering to my hubby, church, supporting my husband's ministry, housework, taking care of myself etc I'm doing alot. More time in the presence of God, the Fly Lady system and the help of my 5 and 6 yr old sons have been helping to make this all manageable. My hubby takes time to speak my love language of Acts Of Service regularly so he's helping as well. I don't require it but he loves me and is willing to demonstrate his love by speaking my language and I too am speaking his language more and more. I thank God for the opportunity to be happily married. It's a blessing. It's growing from glory to glory and God is refining me in the process making me less self-centered and more loving. I love the married life. Anyway enough of the rambling, I just wanted to touch base.

I had a lovely birthday on Friday. I had greetings from my online friends, phone calls from family and friends and hugs and kisses from my hubby and boys. My hubby gifted me with a watch and a pair of earrings on the day and in the evening took me out to eat and then to our favorite spot - SCREW'S SPA. He suggested going for a drive and that's where he took me. He had my bathing suit and all packed in the back of the car. It was a wonderful surprise. The next morning he gave me another pair of earrings. I really wasn't expecting anything because he had already purchased an advance birthday gift of a laptop and a digital camera for me. The camera is in the mail so I really wasn't expecting any gifts but Praise God for a wonderful husband. So that was my birthday in a nutshell. During the day I dressed up in a fancy outfit at home to make it special.



  1. I'm with you! How can you choose a single passage? We really enjoy listening to sermons on CD. A friend sent several down to us some time ago, so we listen to them over and over. A good way to learn scripture! ;^)

    I like 1 Thessalonians, too! Hope you have a great week!


  2. Jenn, will you forgive me for being an airhead??? ;^)

    I have about 6 different windows open and a son who's talking to me about a Christmas present and a daughter asking about a book I've read recently and then I tried to post a comment on your site and accidently posted it over at another site I was looking at and I didn't realize it until I posted the comment above and said to myself...well, we won't go into what I said to myself.

    Anyway, the above comment is not meant to be cryptic. I'm just an airhead!!! I'm closing out some of those windows so I don't accidently do that again!!!

    NOW, I'll write a new note to you...
    Happy Birthday! Sorry I'm late!!! It sounds like you had a wonderful time!

    Don't feel bad about not posting frequently enough. I think we all go through phases where we get more done or less done as far as computer stuff is concerned. I've been feeling led to take some time off from blogging. I'm still praying about it, actually, so we'll see how God leads in the next weeks. Blogging is one of the only ways we keep in contact with our friends, family and supporters around the world. We've lost long-distance telephone access (unless we want to pay $1.50US per minute), so I've been spending more and more time on the internet.

    Thanks for the encouragement you are to me to love my husband better. I'm following your blog, so I read the Generous Wife tips you post everyday. ;^)

    Alright, gotta run and post an apology on the other site where I meant to post the first time! Such an airhead...


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