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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Back from St. Thomas

Hi everyone,

We arrived safely in Dominica from St. Thomas on Saturday evening. It was a wonderful ministry trip/vacation. In addition to the other services I mentioned before hubby preached a week of services at another church the third week we were there.

I am struggling with a toothache from Monday and the internet was giving us a challenge hence my not being able to let you all know I was back. I went to the dentist on yesterday and was given antibiotics to take for a week. The painkillers are no help. The first time I took them they worked but haven't worked since then so I'm waiting to see what happens in a couple of days. The dentist said that the antibiotics would take 2-3 days to work so I'm praying that at least by Thursday or Friday(hopefully sooner) I won't be in pain anymore.

I need to catch up on my blog reading but it will be at a slow pace because I have some wiping down and cleaning to do around here. When we entered the house it was smelling musty and feeling dusty after having been closed for a month while we were gone. With this toothache I've not been able to do much but I'll get there eventually.

It's good to be back in blogland. Next I'm gonna check in on Twitter and see who's on and what's up. Love to you all.

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