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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bible In One Year #78

Sorry about the break in Bible Readings. We are continuing from where we stopped. Our last reading was John 13 - 15.

Today's Bible Reading is the short book of Titus.

I would love it if you would add your insights and whatever the Lord ministers to you as you read the bible passage. You can do that in the comments section of this post. God speaks to us in so many ways and what you share here may just be the word that I or someone else who reads it needs for the day and situation.


  1. You know, its a real shame you didn't honor your commitment to the UBP 2009 and send those of us who won their prize.

  2. It really would be a shame if I did that but your prize is on its way. I did not mean for it to take that long but quite a few things came up that caused the delay. I should have sent out an email with an explanation and for that I do apologize.


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