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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Butterfly Farm

We were blessed to visit the Butterfly Farm at Havensight while we were on St. Thomas. It was an awesome experience. Our host had butterflies all in her hair. The guide was very knowledgeable and answered all our questions so well.

Did you know that when the caterpillar sheds its final skin and forms the chrysolis it actually melts inside there. We learned that the butterfly is formed from that melted caterpillar. Pretty cool.

Also butterlies lay their eggs on their host plants - the ones that they feed from and each type of caterpillar has a different host plant. Interesting stuff. That was a good homeschooling field trip for the boys.

Here are some of the pics:

These are chrysolis with a butterfly coming out of one of them:

Those tiny black things are butterfly poop:
Butterfly eggs:

This one looks like an owl doesn't it?


Hubby and the boys at the entrance:

This is one of the chrysolis of the monarch butterfly. We were told that it is called the monarch because of the gold ring around the chyrsolis that resembles a crown. If you look carefully you can see it.The boys with their magnet souvenirs. They're squinting because of the sun in their eyes. Now ask me why I did not make them turn around and take the picture from a different angle so they would not have to squint. Je ne sais pas(I don't know). Oh well...
Art inside the gift shop:

Sitting outside the gift shop:

I hope you enjoyed the butterfly show. I know we did :)


  1. I loved your photos. Thanks for sharing. I'm sorry I don't comment very often but I do visit you regularly.

  2. Thanks Lara. I appreciate your comments and visits whenever you leave them.

  3. Hi, Jenn! Thanks so much for your prayers! I do feel better today -- Thank you, Lord!!! Fantastic butterfly post! I'll bet the boys were loving that!

    Here's a question: what is the primary language where you live?

  4. Hi Rebecca. You're welcome and I'm glad you feel better. You bet the boys loved it. 6yr old was just drinking up the information as the guide spoke and 5yr old soaked up being in there and spotting all the different butterflies.

    Our primary language is English.


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