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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Food Storage - Getting Started - Step 6 of 6

If you've been successfully following the steps you know what's coming next.

Subtract the figure in the HAVE column from the GOAL column and put that figure in the NEED column. Do this step with pencil as well because your figures will change as you purchase your groceries. Now you have something concrete to work with when you go shopping.

As you do your usual grocery shopping look at your budget(if you wisely operate by one) and see what items you can purchase towards your goal. If you are able to buy your items in bulk then go for it but building an adequate storage is not meant to break your budget. Just add steadily to it on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

Tune in next week for some more food storage/preparedness info. From Monday God willing the preparedness/food storage posts are going to be done on a weekly or twice weekly basis for the most unless something interesting like a giveaway or free stuff or something with a time limit shows up on the radar.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friends.

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