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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

7 Steps To Become a Vegetarian

How To Become a Vegetarian

Someone on one of my social networks asked me for help to become a vegetarian. This post is in answer to that question.

So you want to become a vegetarian. Why? The answer to this question is very important in starting and remaining a vegetarian. People become vegetarians for different reasons. There are those who because they are suffering from some sort of illness have upon their doctors recommendation eliminated meats from their diet. Then there are those who are animal activists and cannot bear to eat those whom they call their friends. There are those who do it because their friends are doing it or it seems like a good idea. Then there are those who after much reading and observation of the causes of so many diseases have decided to take the preventative approach and become vegetarians to prevent disease from entering their bodies.

Step 1 - Your first step is to decide why you want to become a vegetarian. There are as many reasons for becoming vegetarians as there are people out there. Whatever your reason is you need to clarify it. If you are one of those wanting to do it because it seems like a good idea or because your friends are doing it then you need to read and listen to as much information as possible on the subject of vegetarianism(is that a word?) in order to get a more substantial reason for continuity. So, no matter what your reason may be, for the most part the underlying reason behind most people becoming vegetarians is a desire for better health. Most health practitioners would agree that a vegetarian lifestyle is a healthier lifestyle.

Step 2 - You've decided the reason you want to become a vegetarian. Decide what type of vegetarian you are going to be. This is not going to be set in stone. You can make different choices as your learn and grow on this journey. Let's discuss different types of vegetarians. The basic vegetarian eating plan is one that consists of mainly fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans and grains. There are also as many variations of the major types as there are people because it's an individual decision. You are the one who has to decide what goes in and out of your mouth. That said, let's move on. The major types of vegetarians are the ovo-lacto vegetarians, pescatarians, lacto-vegetarians, vegans, ovo-vegetarians, raw vegans.

Ovo-lacto vegetarians - Vegetarians who include diary products and eggs in their eating plan.

Pescatarians - Pescatarians include fish.

Lacto-vegetarians - Vegetarians who include dairy products in their eating plan.

Vegans - Eat only plant based foods, no animal products or by-products.

Ovo-vegetarians - Eat eggs.

Raw vegans - Eat only raw plant based foods. Raw, meaning foods that are prepared at no higher than 115-120 degrees.

Personally, my family and I eat fish and eggs but no other dairy products or meats of any kind. So I guess we could coin a new type called pesca-ovo vegetarians :). The choice is yours and it doesn't even need a name.

Step 3 - After deciding what you are actually going to eat, you need to begin to eliminate the unwanted items in your eating plan and include more of the fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Some people go cold turkey and eliminate all the unwanted stuff right away. Others eliminate an item at a time. Again the choice is yours. If you've only associated being a vegetarian with eating big bowls of salad and nothing else, welcome to an exciting journey. Those times have long past and a vegetarian lifestyle is filled with delicious and mouth watering eats and the salads have come a long way. The only boundary is your imagination. Now you start to have fun.

Step 4 - Create a menu plan based centered around your new eating choices. Do internet searches for vegetarians menu plans, check out library books on vegetarian cooking, experiment with different types of vegetables. Try out a few that appeal to you. Take your favorite vegetable and start looking for different ways to prepare it. Don't be afraid to try a combination you've never tasted before, you might be pleasantly surprised at the taste.

Step 5 - Continue learning. The key to sticking with any decision is to keep yourself informed. The more you read and listen to materials on the health benefits of different foods and the vegetarian lifestyle, the more motivated you are to stick with it especially in the beginning stages. I find that if some time goes by without me reading or listening to something health related I begin to long for foods that I once enjoyed but have decided to eliminate from my eating plan. I have found Dr. Bob of Drugless Healthcare Solutions to be an awesome resource for learning more about foods and their effects on the body. He has many videos that are free to watch as well as other materials that can be purchased for further learning. Other great resources that I've learned a great deal from can be found at the end of this post and on the left sidebar of this blog under the Healthy Living section.

Step 6 - Be easy on yourself and those around you. Eating an occasional piece of 'whatever' amidst an otherwise healthy eating plan is okay. Don't allow anyone to make you feel guilty for occasionally indulging(notice I did say occasionally:) ). Go easy on those around you who have not yet made the decision to transition to a vegetarian eating plan. By your example they will be encouraged to take baby steps. Let them notice the weight loss, the increased energy, clearer skin and all the benefits that go with the vegetarian lifestyle. Answer their questions with a non-condemning or self-righteous attitude and share from time to time snippets from articles you read or audios you listen to. Don't bombard them just be open to their questions and occassionally share what you are learning.

Step 7 - Rejoice in your new decision. Enjoy the journey.

That's all I have to share for now. If there is anything I missed or you have any questions that you would like an answer to I would be glad to help. I am not an expert, I just wanted to share what I have learned so far on my journey to being a vegetarian. If I do not know the answer I will gladly research it and get the answer posted. I love to learn and am always doing research on healthy living.

Recommended Resources for further learning:
The Renegade Health Show
Karen Knowler - The Raw Food Coach
How To Become A Vegetarian

God bless you as you decide to make healthier choices for you and your family.


  1. I need to send my daughter over to read this article. Very informative. Thanks for explaining.

  2. VERY interesting! I'm in the Pesca family.

  3. Hi Pam,
    You're welcome. Thank you.

    It's good to have that in common.

  4. Sounds great! This was a great reminder for me to rejoice at the progress I've made, and to go easier on myself. Thanks for the post :)

  5. Hi Thomas
    You're welcome and thank you. It doesn't help when we beat ourselves up. When we rejoice in what we've already accomplished it motivates us to continue.


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