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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Food Storage - Pictures That Inspire Me

Call me crazy but this is a sample of my inspiration page:

I discovered this while browsing through the My Food Storage Deals blog and was so blown away. The title of her post is Catch The Vision! and let me tell you I definitely caught the vision. I was really inspired. I may not necessarily have a whole year's storage but it would be wonderful to know that all I have to do is spend on perishables and replace what needs replacing thereby spending minimum on groceries and essential items.

It is a goal worth striving for one day, one week, one month at a time. I consider having a food storage plan as a good way to reduce on the grocery budget because you build it up while doing your regular shopping and then when you have the desired amount you stop your regular shopping for non perishables and only buy them when the price is right so you can stock up.

Call me crazy but I am all for cutting costs, being prepared for emergencies and having enough to bless those less fortunate. Will you join me on the journey?

Click here to view the rest of the pictures on my inspiration page - Catch the Vision! While you are there browse around and discover all the great information she has available.


  1. Hi checking in from SITS

    I think stock up is a pretty good idea if you have the room to do it. I've read in several money saving articles is the best way to say is to stock up when items are on sale. I don't have kids so it hasn't hit me yet but My mom is addicted to it. She also doesn't do the warehouse places she feels that's a waste regular grocery stores have enough great sales that if you stock up till the next sale cycle you save far more than the warehouse memberships.

  2. Greedygirl,
    Great to have you here! Space can be made anywhere. You're right, sales are a great way to stock up and your mom is very wise.


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