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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tips for Wives - Finances & Giving

A critical area in many marriages that needs to be looked after.'s important for husband and wife to be on the same page when it comes to finances and giving.
I realize that there is not likely to be total agreement on everything financial between husband and wife, but with prayer and at least some gracious compromise it can be navigated. If you have difficulty in this particular area, then I encourage you get educated (most bookstores have scads of books about family finances - The Total Money Makeover is not a bad place to start) and begin to pray for wisdom and direction in this area.

Don't tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I'll tell you what they are. James Frick

Think generous! Lori <><

Copyright © 2001-2009 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved


  1. It is so very important to be on one accord with finances. Not being on the same page has broken up homes and marriages.

    Great post!

  2. My husband and I definitely do NOT agree when it comes to finances, so we've agreed to disagree while remembering it's God's money anyway and we are just stewards over it.

  3. Evelyn,
    You are so right. Finances have definitely been a major home wrecker. There has to be transparency, openness and agreement for disaster to be averted.

    Agreeing to disagree can be a good way to avoid a constant conflict over it. I like what you said about remembering it is God's money anyway. Good perspective.

  4. Hubby and I are very different when it comes to money. I've always been a spender, and he...not so much. I just do as you say, pray that we meet somewhere in between and work things out financially.

    I love the Frick quote, can I steal it for a Wednesday Wisdom post?

  5. Hi Penelope,
    Good way to do it - meet somewhere in between.


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